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Campaign: forum controlled KSP campaign: Space race to the Mun!!

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The dawn of a new era is upon Kerbal. An era dominated by rockets, space craft, rovers and satellites. An era that rewards the technically savey, the acute business person and those with a long term vision. A vision that demands accolades and glory. A vision only few dare to contemplate. The vision of putting Jeb and crew on the Mun!!

Welcome to the first ever forum based KSP campaign. The campaign is turn-based and can be entered by anyone at any stage of the campaign. This is the first time this has been tried and entrants acknowledge there will be balance issue\'s. Entrants are to consider themselves as play-testers whilst they enjoy a new rule-set in and a means to compete with fellow rocket scientists.

Here\'s how it works

As an enterprising new corporation, you start the campaign with a set amount of money. This starting amount is $5,100. With this $5,100 you need to design a craft that can complete at least one mission. There is a price list and that is attached to this post down the bottom (excel format only - sorry - someone else can convert if required). You need to use the spreadsheet to make sure your rocket parts are within budget. Sorry - no plug in yet. If you don\'t like spreadsheets then this campaign is not for you. :(

The missions are set by me, the game master (do I get a badge or a hat?). Once you have designed a craft that can complete one of the missions you *email* it to me at togfox@gmail.com. Put your forum name in the subject and your mission in the body. One craft, one mission, per turn. A turn will last several days.

At the end of the turn, I process all the craft files I have received and I post on this forum how much money everyone now has. You can then use this money to design your next craft. Hopefully it is larger and can accomplish more and earn more money.

Here\'s the kicker - everyone starts on tech level basic. Tech level means limited technology is available for your design. You need to manage this yourself! There is no plug in that prohibits restricted tech! If you submit a craft file to me by *email* that has a tech level you are not entitled to then that craft won\'t fly and you\'ll suffer an administration fee. Badness. :(

Tech levels and parts are listed in this thread (below).

In summary - by staying within your budget and your tech level, you are to accomplish the prescribed missions, in any order, so you developer faster than your rival companies and get to the Mun before everyone else. You do this by *emailing* me one craft per turn, stating your forum name and the mission you wish to claim.

I must stress this has never been tried and there will be balance issue\'s and I\'m not sure of the administration this will put on myself. We can only suck and see. I hope we can progress this so that we can have a more balanced v2 of the campaign with plugins and automated tools. Of course, all this is redundant when KSP has in-game campaigns. *drool*.

I will announce turns one at a time. No set dates until we get a rhythm. No more than two turns per week and at least two days apart.

Rules - we all love them:

1) every craft must have the ZO2 Main system in it regardless of altitude gained or claimed mission. ZO2 is a custom mod. A good custom mod. If you don\'t like this mod - sorry - maybe campaign version 2 will suit you better.

2) submitted craft may or may not have mechjeb. It\'s optional and up to you.

3) some missions require the cart, sat relay and pwer sat mod. These mods are optional. You don\'t need to use them but if you don\'t then these missions are not available to you.

4) turns will be announced at least two days in advance and no more than two a week (for now).

5) There is no salvage in this game due to adminstration overheads. I don\'t have the personpower to do this unfortunately. Maybe in version 2! The Command Pod/Module needs to have a chute if you want your Kerbals to survive (see rule 6). CM Pods with a chute are not salvaged. You will have to pay $1,600 for the CP/CM every mission.

6) if your crew dies through a badly designed craft or a lack of Zoxygen then you will suffer a 33% \'tax\' on your mission earnings, per kerbal, had/if your mission been successful.

7) a mission can be replayed for a much reduced profit. This should be avoided but used if funds are too low to complete other missions. A replayed mission does not require a craft file. Simply post your intention in this thread before the turn ends.

8 ) mission profits may or may not be advertised in advanced. This depends on the administration toll on me!

9) mission income decreases as more people succeed at it. Do you want to be the first person into orbit or the last? The first person will get paid much more!

10) players claiming the same mission on the same turn get the same payout.

11) any other rules I\'ve forgotten about go here.

Tech levels detailed here. Everyone starts on basic level. A tech level must be unlocked in order and by declaring it on this forum. I\'ll deduct the amount from your bank account.

Free: Basic: SRB, capsule, chute, decoupler, Zoxygen System - main, mechjeb

$1000: Level1: radial decoupler, struts, tricoupler

$2000: Level2: LF tanks, small LFE, landing legs

$4000: Level3: SAS, fuel lines, large LFE, Zoxygen tanks

$8000: Level4: ASAS, winglets, gimballed LFE, RCS, RCS tanks, Radio controlled craft (sat-relay antenna mod - optional)

$16,000: Level5: Zoxygen recharge panels, Powersats (optional mod),

$32,000: Level6: cart (optional mod)

And your first few available missions are here. I\'ll add more as people collect bigger budgets. The ? in the price means that market forces will dictate the reward. This is version 1 so just work with me okay!



[td]Mission[/td][td]Highest Payment[/td][td]Lowest Payment[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Reach altitude of 10,000m and descend safely[/td][td]$5,846[/td][td]$4,975[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Reach altitude of 16,500m and descend safely[/td][td]$8,609[/td][td]$7,327[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Reach altitude of 35,000m and descend safely[/td][td]$7,926[/td][td]$6,746[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Reach altitude of 70,000m and descend safely[/td][td]$7,546[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Reach altitude of 11,400,000m and descend safely[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]Establish Kerbin orbit and descend safely[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Establish Kerbin orbit at 90 deg inclination (polar orbit) and descend safely[/td][td]$8,497[/td][td]$7,231[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Establish Kerbin orbit with a RCS and fuel on board (for docking)[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]Travel 350km horizontally, east, from KSP (intercontinental travel)[/td][td]$7,731[/td][td]$6,580[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Travel 1,400km horizontall, east, from KSP[/td][td]$8,497[/td][td]$7,231[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]Insert and leave any object into Kerbin orbit[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Insert a powersat object into Kerbin orbit (requires powersat mod)[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Insert powersat in keo-syncronous orbit[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]Orbit Mun and return[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Insert any object into Mun orbit[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Insert a powersat object into Mun orbit (requires powersat mod)[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]Land on Mun and return[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Land rover on Mun and return[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]


[tr][td]Install ZO2 mining station on Mun[/td][td]$?[/td][td]$?[/td][/tr]


What do you do now? Take your starting money, get the spreadsheet, restrict yourself to tech basic items, see if you can complete any of the listed missions. They are designed to be tricky, requiring ingenuity, but they are not meant to be too difficult.

Price list attached. Email me at togfox@gmail.com before ... lets say Sunday morning GMT +10 (asia). That\'s Saturday night in the USA. I\'ll provide time conversions later!

Clutter this thread with questions and comments. Happy designing! Remember the ZO2 module is mandatory!!!

Zoxygen mod is here.;topicseen

Optional Powersat Mod thread here

Download here


and also download here


If you don\'t know how to install Powersat then ask for help in the PowerSat thread or just don\'t select those optional missions. :)

Unmanned pod - does not require ZO2;topicseen

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The Excel file opens fine in LibreOffice, so it should work on most-any system. That said, the tech levels listed in it are 1 higher than in the spoiler (1-7 vs 0-6). I\'m guessing you want to change one of those?

...and so it begins. ;D

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For your viewing pleasure (and the pleasure at laughing at a nub to this whole KSP thing) I have decided to record my playtime as I participate in this so that you can watch both my radical successes, and my spectacular (and often hilarious) failures. Check it out.

Edit: Whoops, accidentally placed too many boosters. See the fixed craft and her proper flight here

Max Altitude Achieved: 18872m

Overall Cost of Rocket: $4,722

Music: Planetside V2 playlist. By Don Ferrone

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Just to double check, I saw you mark 'Command Module' on the excel ... but isn\'t that different to the command pod?

So the first video is fine where you hit 30km I think.

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Just to double check, I saw you mark 'Command Module' on the excel ... but isn\'t that different to the command pod?

So the first video is fine where you hit 30km I think.

Nah, there are 5 boosters in that. After the pod and the ZO2 system there\'s only money for 4 boosters.

It\'s such fun to see what everyone comes up with. I tried the burn-off technique but couldn\'t get it right because I only started burning when one SRB would burn out. That\'d take far too long to burn it off. I see good things in the future of this campaign :)

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