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Campaign: forum controlled KSP campaign: Space race to the Mun!!

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Keep trying nomad. Maybe next turn someone can share there design.

If we dont use this chance to learn new designs then we That would be a shame!

ILl close the turn in about an hour.

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Turn 1 is now closed. Thx.

Preparing summary so you can gear up for turn 2.

Nomad - please try again in turn 2. Seriously, we should use this opportunity to see what others have done and go *face palm* 'Why didn\'t I think of that!' :)



| Player | Balance | Income | Spent | Profit | NewBalance |


| Alchemist | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| AWAS | 5100 | 5846 | 4722 | 1124 | 6224 |


| DonLorenzo | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| Nomad | 5100 | | | | |


| pit_muc | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| Jamini | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| RulerofNothing | 5100 | 5846 | 4277 | 1569 | 6669 |


| Azuri | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| STCatto | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| UmbralRaptor | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| sjwt | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |


| Whiper | 5100 | 8609 | 4722 | 3887 | 8987 |



Most people had the same rocket design - or at least components, which is not surprising given the budget.

RULING: No salvaging in v1 of the campaign. Sorry - I\'d love to do this as it adds depth and diverse designs but I simply don\'t have the tools to do this easily. You\'ll need a chute for your capsule as there is a dollar penalty if your crew dies (unless you use remote controlled craft. For simplicity, the Command Pod/Module is not salvaged and you have to pay $1600 every mission. Sorry - if I can find an easy way around this I would but for now, for version 1, this will do for now.

Also a big THANK YOU to those who emailed end-of-flight screenshots. You don\'t need to do this but if you can it helps me immensely.

I\'ll add more missions now that there is a significantly larger budget now.

Turn two will end Wednesday night (GMT +10) which means Wednesday morning in the USA. Hope you\'re having fun.

If someone wishes to help Nomad - and Nomad requests it - then it would be good for corporations to help the under dog. :)

Rule 5 has been updated on the OP and more missions added. The \'payrate\' is dependent on market forces (work with me - just know you\'ll make money).

If you wish to unlock a tech then state that in the forum or in the email to me. Research fee\'s on first page. Thx.

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Actually, is it too late to retract my purchase of Tech level 2? Or for that matter my purchase of Tech level 1 since apparently $6669 doesn\'t go very far?

Sure it dose, it goes at lest 3 SRB\'s further than round 1!

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The only thing that\'s free are the zero items in the spreadsheet. :)

awww stupid sticky rocket bugs.. oh well its a good thing I\'ve spent weeks trying to work around them so far..

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Playing around with the Zo2 for the fun of it, and I have noticed You get time in-between deaths, should we run at different penalty levels depending on how many die?

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Its an old bug that is back, effecting mostly larger rockets, you have plenty of thrust, but the craft is stuck to the launch pad..

If you put stacked decouplers under the engines and activate them, then the craft takes off no issues.. It can effect smaller builds to.



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After many tries and a few close calls (two, actually, I\'ve determined that with my current funds I cannot hit 70KM up (no luck on the 750KM intercontinental travel either, yet.) so far it seems like I\'m stuck at 60KM unless I can get a x2 burn rocket or pay out for a decoupler.

Still, 35km is pretty easy if you know how to fly. :)

I\'m looking forward to reaching orbit next cycle. Good luck to you all!

Cycle Report

Initial Funds: $8,987

Tech: $3,000

Craft Cost: $4,672

Banked Funds: $1,315

Mission: Launch a craft above 35,000m

Altitude achieved: 39,993m

Survival: Yes (Cannot be a water landing.)

Video Feed: http://www.twitch.tv/thimascus/b/315034509

Soundtrack: geoscape - UFO:Aftershock, UFO:Aftermath (Sorry about the quality. I suspect it is choppy because I was trying to play it from youtube. I had no choppiness when recording it. :(

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I don\'t have the launch pad bug but u can use decouplers for free if used in the spirit of the space race.

Rage, did you send me a craft? If I missed it then I can still count you in turn 1 .

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