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Campaign: forum controlled KSP campaign: Space race to the Mun!!

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atmo cutoff is 70km. There\'s no \'orbit cutoff\' by definition, it\'s just very hard to orbit inside thick atmosphere so it\'s generally done in space ;)

edit: 69,05km actually. At least that\'s where the 10x time acceleration cuts out

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Reaching an AP and PE of 70,001km or more counts as an orbit. Even if its only for 1 second. This basicly means escaping atmosphere and having enough horizontal velocity to stay up there. You don\'t have to stay up there.

I\'ve responded to a batch of submissions but there are three ppl I haven\'t responded to yet.

I\'m loving the






Format some of you are sending through - makes my job easier!!!

Craft, screenshots and financial breakdowns all help! Thanks!!

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Cool, thanks for the clarification. I\'d just designed a mission that would establish 70km orbit and have a fuel budget to dip into the atmosphere a couple times to refill the oxy tanks. That can go on the shelf now :)

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Hmm - that shouldn\'t be too hard and is in the spirit of a company press release for maximum sponsorship. I\'ll do that at the end of each turn.

For turn 1, most ppl did the 35,000km altitude mission.

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For turn 1, most ppl did the 35,000km altitude mission.

Yerh, the m/kms thing keeps messing with my head to,

Though I am sure you mean 16,500m, for mission 1.

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Hmm - that shouldn\'t be too hard and is in the spirit of a company press release for maximum sponsorship. I\'ll do that at the end of each turn.

For turn 1, most ppl did the 35,000km altitude mission.

I am at a loss trying to understand how people succeded in building a craft to go over 35KM with the starting budget... The best I made barely reached 20km. :\'(

Did I miscalculate the budget? By my calculations, after buying the command pod, zoxygen system and parachute, I had enough money for 4 SRB\'s. How do you reach 35km with 4 SRB\'s?

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I am at a loss trying to understand how people succeded in building a craft to go over 35KM with the starting budget... The best I made barely reached 20km. :\'(

Did I miscalculate the budget? By my calculations, after buying the command pod, zoxygen system and parachute, I had enough money for 4 SRB\'s. How do you reach 35km with 4 SRB\'s?

Togfox must\'ve been mistaken with the 35K in turn one. The reward for 16,5KM was 8xxx dollars and almost everyone got that. Fairly sure that\'s the one he meant

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I hope ppl don\'t mind me posting this before the end of the turn its just that it\'s my birthday tomorrow and I won\'t be able to process craft files like I said I would. :( I\'ll consider turn 2 now closed but if ppl wish to submit a file then I\'ll accept that.

Here are the \'transactions\' for turn two, sorted by player name.



| Player | Balance | Spent | Income | NewBalance | Turn | Claimed | Profit |


| AdmiralStewart | 5100 | 4272 | 5493 | 6321 | 2 | 10000 meters | 1221 |


| Alchemist | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| Alchemist | 5987 | 5972 | 7546 | 7561 | 2 | 70000 meters | 1574 |


| Awaras | 6224 | 5172 | 7926 | 8978 | 2 | 35000 meters | 2754 |


| CrowZone | 5100 | 4722 | 8088 | 8466 | 2 | 16500 meters | 3366 |


| DonLorenzo | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| DonLorenzo | 5987 | 5522 | 7546 | 8011 | 2 | 70000 meters | 2024 |


| Jamini | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| Jamini | 5987 | 4672 | 7926 | 9241 | 2 | 35000 meters | 3254 |


| Nomad | 5100 | 4272 | 8088 | 8916 | 2 | 16500 meters | 3816 |


| pit_muc | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| pit_muc | 5987 | 5572 | 7546 | 7961 | 2 | 70000 meters | 1974 |


| Rage | 8987 | 7947 | 7926 | 8966 | 2 | 35000 meters | -21 |


| RulerofNothing | 6669 | 6597 | 7926 | 7998 | 2 | 35000 meters | 1329 |


| Sjwt | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| Sjwt | 5987 | 5500 | 7546 | 8033 | 2 | 70000 meters | 2046 |


| STCatto | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| STCatto | 5987 | 5572 | 7546 | 7961 | 2 | 70000 meters | 1974 |


| UmbralRaptor | 8987 | 6972 | 7546 | 9561 | 2 | 70000 meters | 574 |


| Zutha | 8987 | 3000 | 0 | 5987 | 2 | Techlevel 1 + 2 | -3000 |


| Zutha | 5987 | 5522 | 7546 | 8011 | 2 | 70000 meters | 2024 |



If you see two entries it\'s to record your investment into R&D.

At least one person met the conditions of two missions. I chose in a way that would support the campaign and my number crunching. This has no disadvantage to the player and can submit the same craft again for no effort.

Rage - you won\'t see your turn 1 here but you\'ll see your opening balance for turn 2 has factored in the success of your turn 1.

The craft are still quite similar but I\'m starting to see variations. The cost column will give you an indication of how well you\'re tracking compared to others.

Congrats to Nomad who got an entry in. Keep it up. :)

In terms of money in the bank, our top three space-racers are UmbralRaptor, Jamini and Awaras. They\'re all about 1 solid booster apart. :)

Turn 3 is now open. Please keep up the


Opening Balance:


format with screenshots and craft files. You can see from that table the number of participants is growing. I hope you\'re enjoying this. It should start getting strategic as you have more money available and you get a wider choice of missions. I understand not knowing the prize money in advance is difficult but the short story is, \'first timers\' will ALWAYS make money. How much depends on the cost of your ship and the cost of your competitors. If you\'re the first to do a mission and you do it lean, you\'ll clean up. If you\'re the first to do a mission and you\'ve got a fat blob of Kerbil mess, you\'ll still make money but not as much. Hope that helps somewhat.

Mission list is unchanged on page 1. Happy designing!

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Yup - any mission within your tech level and budget.

Remember there is more prestige, press coverage and sponsorship for those that do a mission first, don\'t be an 'also ran' if you can help it. ;)

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Yes. It is correct. A statistical anomoly and it reflects skill levels. Those that can get to 70000 can do so on a very lean budget so they got paid less.

The \'Kerblings\' (trademark) that are still learning to walk before they can fly are doing so with much more \'fat\'. By the time we finish this campaign we\'ll have better numbers for these missions the next time round.

Don points out that the large fuel tank is more than twice the price of the half fuel tank. For simplisity, adjust your spreadsheets so that the large fuel tank costs $450.

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A question:

When do we declare leveling up tech? At the start of a turn or at the end? That is, since I have not invested in tech yet, can I state it in my turn 3 submission and use new tech for it, or would I have to wait for turn 4 to use new tech? If I can, I would like to purchase tech levels 1 and 2 before submitting my turn 3 craft.

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This feels off, I think a better solution is to have higher tech parts be more expensive. A catch-up mechanism for newer/slower players is something to be considered, but I think that at least on the same turn/same tech level higher missions should pay more. Always. Because it really takes the \'space race\' vibe out of it if just killing throttle early so you don\'t go as high (and be as impressive) nets you more cash. In fact, it effectively loses you money now since (on the same tech level at least) a 16.5km or 35km craft is bound to be cheaper than a 70km one.

I hope I don\'t come across as a nag, because I do get that it\'s all experimental, but I think you\'re trying to put a bit too much complexity in the reward system.

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Higher tech parts are more expensive. You have to pay $16000 to unlock the highest parts. :)

You can unlock as many tech as you like and use it straight away. Just declare it in your email. Thx.

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I honestly fully agree with DonLorenzo here, there is no good reason that a more difficult mission should pay out less. It costs between $1K and $2k more in price to go from 16km to 30km, and another $1k at least (actually, more) to go from 30km to 70km. Diminishing returns for a HARDER and more EXPENSIVE mission (for your tech level) just seems wrong.

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