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Campaign: forum controlled KSP campaign: Space race to the Mun!!

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I\'m confused as to some part costs and whatnot - I don\'t think there has been any funny business, but I\'m not sure how DonLorenzo\'s craft could cost only 2575 last turn when the the two required parts, (ZOxygen main tank, and Command Pod) total to be 2500 alone? Did I miss something where it was decided those cost less or could be reused? If so a LOT of my ships would have price adjustments...

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  Crowzone said:

I\'m confused as to some part costs and whatnot - I don\'t think there has been any funny business, but I\'m not sure how DonLorenzo\'s craft could cost only 2575 last turn when the the two required parts, (ZOxygen main tank, and Command Pod) total to be 2500 alone? Did I miss something where it was decided those cost less or could be reused? If so a LOT of my ships would have price adjustments...

He got tech level 4, which means he has access to the condemmed module - a remote control module that does not require ZOxygen...

He probably made a ship like this:

Condemmed module


1 small fuel tank

1 small liquid engine

He probably made a mechjeb-assisted powered landing instead of using a parachute, or maybe it doesn\'t matter if the ship crashes if it is unmanned.

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  Awaras said:

He got tech level 4, which means he has access to the condemmed module - a remote control module that does not require ZOxygen...

He probably made a ship like this:

Condemmed module


1 small fuel tank

1 small liquid engine

He probably made a mechjeb-assisted powered landing instead of using a parachute, or maybe it doesn\'t matter if the ship crashes if it is unmanned.

That\'s precisely what I did. I\'ve been using powered landings (sometimes... barely survivable powered crashes) a lot to skimp on parachute costs.

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  togfox said:

You get the Campaign OOPS award for a Kerbal orbit. =P

I think landing on the Mun and returning WITH KERBALS wins this campaign

Good, just checking, that last post seemed to hint that it may be over this round or next round..

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A question:

Everyone here is talking about using powersats for your unmanned probe control network. However, the satellite relay network mod allows you to use any ship with a \'condemmed\'- class command pod as a relay satellite if you put \'comsat\' in it\'s name. Is this allowed in the campaign?

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Sent you a mail with a rocket and a screenshot, hoping I can join the campaign just for fun.

Three stacked boosters sure SEEM like they can reach 16,500m, but I only managed 16,200 with what I thought was perfect explosive staging... Did anyone make it with that configuration? Would be easy without the life support, of course :).

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Not relevant to this particular campaign, but I feel like the decoupler and especially the radial decoupler costs are a bit out of whack. For now, they\'re fine because we\'ve all been working with them, but it does seem to force some weird design choices.

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My apologies for the late processing of turn 7. It\'s a public holiday for me and this threw my schedule out.

We\'re getting some \'almost on the Mun\' missions happening now and with the use of unmanned pods we\'re getting wreckage all over the place. Very Kerbalish!!

This is well written so I thought I\'d share, without permission, so I hope no one minds!!

CrowSpace Industries, mere days after first successfully achieving a stable Low Kerbin Orbit, announces to the world the successful launch of their first Next Generation rocket, the first of their Heavy Lifter Class, which has successfully inserted into a stable, permanent orbit a working satellite! The veteran crew of Bill, Jeb, and Bob Kerman flew the mark 1 model of CrowSpace’s heavy lifter rocket into a Low Kerbin Orbit at aproximately 71000 meters, once there they achieved a stable circular orbit and then turned the craft into an orbital insertion orientation before ejecting the spent drive section of the rocket. Due to extreme weight restrictions, CrowSpace engineers attached a small transceiver and video camera to the drive section which is now beaming back to CrowSpace Industries beautiful, but grainy, images of Kerbin as the drive section orbits peacefully about the planet. The crew, once carefully leaving the same orbital path of this new satellite, performed a retrograde burn and brought the lander section of the rocket safely back via a series of braking maneuvers followed by a soft powered touchdown.

We\'ve even got a late joiner - welcome corporation Rickenbacker who\'s in this for fun and something different. :)

Btw, I\'m getting some excellent mission reports sent in. This is the perfect format

Turn Report (Turn 7): myforum name

Available Balance: 10000

Research & Development: Tech 3 Upgrade

Operating Budget: 6000

Craft Cost: 3800

Mission: Leave any object in Kerbin Orbit

Mission status: Success!

You don\'t have to follow that format exactly but this makes it very easy to see what is going on. :)

I\'ve also had an epiphany! I worked out what this campaign needs ... the value of \'old\' missions need to devalue over time. Like \'depreciation per turn\' or something like that. With you guys doing the \'late game\' missions now, I\'m getting a clearer picture of what\'s happening with the stats. If the \'16,500 meters\' mission was depreciating over time then you wouldn\'t see some of the statistical blips I can now see in the data. It\'s too late for this campaign of course, but if this campaign happens again then we\'ll need to build this in so that the \'old\' missions become almost worthless and the new missions get greater focus.

Still no powersats in orbit but there is a bit of inert junk floating around.

DonLorenzo reached the Mun but wasn\'t able to land on it - perhaps next mission!!

Here is the latest balance sheet.


| Player | Balance | Spent | Income | NewBalance | Turn | Claimed | Profit |


| Alchemist | 12012 | 8000 | 0 | 4012 | 7 | Techlevel 4 | -8000 |


| Alchemist | 4012 | 3025 | 7527 | 8514 | 7 | Leave object in orbit | 4502 |


| Awaras | 10668 | 8000 | 0 | 2668 | 7 | Techlevel 4 | -8000 |


| Awaras | 2668 | 2575 | 7447 | 7540 | 7 | 35,000 meters up | 4872 |


| CrowZone | 14067 | 4000 | 0 | 10067 | 7 | Techlevel 3 | -4000 |


| CrowZone | 10067 | 9175 | 7527 | 8419 | 7 | Leave object in orbit | -1648 |


| DonLorenzo | 8190 | 3800 | 4940 | 9330 | 7 | 11,400,000 meters up | 1140 |


| Rickenbacker | 5100 | 4272 | 5296 | 6124 | 7 | 10,000 meters up | 1024 |


| Sjwt | 15193 | 3700 | 7327 | 18820 | 7 | 16,500 meters up | 3627 |


| STCatto | 10728 | 8000 | 0 | 2728 | 7 | Techlevel 4 | -8000 |


| STCatto | 2728 | 3800 | 7327 | 6255 | 7 | 16,500 meters up | 3527 |


| UmbralRaptor | 13512 | 8000 | 0 | 5512 | 7 | Techlevel 4 | -8000 |


| UmbralRaptor | 5512 | 5275 | 8299 | 8536 | 7 | Achieve orbit with RCS onboard | 3024 |


Sorry about the font - it defaults to size 8 and for some reason the \'format\' buttons on the forum have disappeared (am I the only one?). You can magnify your browser or copy/paste the table into notepad or any other editor if you need to.

8 players in this now and a few tech 4 players pushing hard - this might be a tie in the end!! Good luck!

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Dammit Alchemist! You ruined my plan! I figured everyone seemed to be skipping that mission so I intentionally tried to build an expensive craft to do it and thus give us a cash cow mission, and you had to come along and do it cheap.

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  Crowzone said:

Dammit Alchemist! You ruined my plan! I figured everyone seemed to be skipping that mission so I intentionally tried to build an expensive craft to do it and thus give us a cash cow mission, and you had to come along and do it cheap.

Aaaand this is what is wrong with the current reward system...

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Not sure if we still have to declare tech levels in the forum? In any case, I unlock tech level 1, in addition to exploring the far (-ish) reaches of the atmosphere with my three brave Kerbonauts, on turn 8.

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You need to declare tech in the email. You may declare here if you like but that\'s optional.

Just to be clear to all - powersats launched by one corporation can be used by other corporations. If 3 corporations launch powersats around kerbin while 2 corporations put powersats around the Mun in the same turn, then unmanned pods can land on Mun the next turn. :)

That\'s unlikely to happen - I\'m just saying Powersats are shared. :)

Lets close this turn on Thursday morning in the USA.

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  Crowzone said:

Dammit Alchemist! You ruined my plan! I figured everyone seemed to be skipping that mission so I intentionally tried to build an expensive craft to do it and thus give us a cash cow mission, and you had to come along and do it cheap.

Also I did that mission previous turn :)

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Wow, I haven\'t used stock SRBs in a long time. Took me a bit to figure it out but I jumped the 10 km mission and started off with the 16.5 km (actually achieved over 18 km).

Email sent. :)

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