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Apoapsis and ship greyed out.

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Hello guys, just a quick question and one that is probably ridiculously simple to work out. I've been trying for well over a few hours with no luck. On launch i attempt to switch over to the map stage to view my apoapsis and begin planning a manoeuvre and both my vessel and the apoapsis marker are greyed out in my career mode. However if i switch to a sand box mode it works perfectly. Is there any fixes to this, do i need a part for the vessel to attach, do i need to click something in my tracker? It's driving me barmy at the moment.

Cheers in advance.

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Same as Master Tao. If you want to skip that part of career and be able to see those just edit the persistent.sfs file in your save and give yourself the money to upgrade the facility.

hint:use control f to find the funds in stead of scrolling through everything.

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