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Stockalike Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter/Loading ramp


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This is something that could rightly have been in the last patch but wasn't, so it would be nice if someone else was willing to make it for ease of loading and unloading rovers.

The part would resemble a hollow Mk3 to Mk2 Adaptor, with the longer side replaced with a hinged ramp and this kind of grating on the inside.

Right-clicking on the part does one of two things.

When closed:

The ramp is no longer locked in place and drops under gravity until it hits the ground.

When open:

The ramp rotates into position until it is closed again, and held immobile.

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Thanks, Mach. That's pretty much precisely what I was looking for.

I've released a copy of the ramp. It only opens a set amount, but that's roughly the same distance as the Mk3 hull with some landing gear underneath, so it works well enough.

Link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79542-90-SXT-Lack-s-Stock-Extension-SXT-19-07DEC14-KSC-v3?p=1640505&viewfull=1#post1640505


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