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Better Rescue Missions


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I didn't find this when I searched so here goes.

It find it silly that the rescue missions are always and only a single kerbal floating in space above kerbin

I'd like to see a variety of rescue missions with:

multiple kerbals

inside ships and stations (docking required)

that require you to refuel and/or pilot the craft to be rescued

on and around various planets and moons.

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I would like to see some hollywood-material missions where things are on time attack and you just have very little room for mistakes.

For example, a stray uncontrollable craft that is on aerobrake orbit on high atmosphere (60k or so), slowly plummeting to kerbin on each orbit pass. The players would have to either accurately predict the change in orbit and match that predicted orbit, or make a one shot maneuver before the uncontrollable craft hit the atmosphere and have its orbit changed again.

It sure would makes things exciting!

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