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Stock-only NASA replica fleet, FAR and MechJeb compatible


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Just need shuttle like wing tips now to make this craft perfect. ;)

Yup. Full fuel station delivered into orbit. Awesome shuttle.

Wow almost 160km orbit?? Well done!!

Long train ride this morning, initial flight testing of new wing design is going well =)


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  • 3 weeks later...
I need help regards landing this quite heavy beauty! Watched the video and throughly examined the technique. However, shuttle seems to explode on contact with runway.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Make sure you're landing with most of your RCS fuel used up, and the key thing with landing is to keep your vertical decent rate low and horizontal speed high! Just like the real shuttle, you need to touch down faster than you normally would, about 130m/s I think is about as low as I dare, or else you might not be able to raise the nose. If you watch the RTLS videos, you'll see the decent rate on landing is <10m/s.

In the process of uploading a new version (can't let Inigma have all the spotlight :D ), but I'm not sure it makes it any easier to land =p

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A small update. Haven't had as much time to play as I 'd like, but this new wing is going to be pretty awesome I think for those trying to mimic a real shuttle launch and re-entry profile as closely as possible =)


This is a slightly earlier revision, attempting a true space shuttle re-entry S-turn. Nose is 30degrees above horizon compared to the 40 degrees the real shuttle comes in at. Bank is at 40degrees, compared to 80degrees of real shuttle, and heading is 10 degrees off direction of travel.

The current wing I'm almost ready to release can do 20 degrees off direction of travel, and about a 50 degree bank. This keeps the re-entry effects limited to the bottom of the shuttle, and just barely kisses the front of the OMS pods, again similar to the real shuttle :)

And yes, this is all with FAR!


This is also my most balanced shuttle yet. I accidentally launched this one while rushing the "twang" effect a bit, and ended up destroying the back end of the orbiter. Surprisingly, despite losing all three engines and all that weight in the back, it still flew straight! :D

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Great job on balance. Mine likes to dive into the flames like a moth if you see the vid. Could spell trouble when 1.0 comes out with reentry heating. Also I have to spam about 20 SAS modules in the external tank, where yours is minimal to nonexistent.

I have a suggestion on aesthetics if you're interested. Rotate your parachutes to show their backside barely and embed them into your boosters for a more streamlined effect. Also feel free to recess your sepatrons for the same reason. I might copy your tri parachute design in STS-3 since the current tri parachute bulb just doesn't give the tri parachute look on deploy. I've not tested my STS with FAR yet either. I can't wait for aero to see what breaks/makes all these excellent shuttle designs. All in all I think your shuttle is in the number 1 spot for minimal SAS needs. :)

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Great job on balance. Mine likes to dive into the flames like a moth if you see the vid. Could spell trouble when 1.0 comes out with reentry heating. Also I have to spam about 20 SAS modules in the external tank, where yours is minimal to nonexistent.

I have a suggestion on aesthetics if you're interested. Rotate your parachutes to show their backside barely and embed them into your boosters for a more streamlined effect. Also feel free to recess your sepatrons for the same reason. I might copy your tri parachute design in STS-3 since the current tri parachute bulb just doesn't give the tri parachute look on deploy. I've not tested my STS with FAR yet either. I can't wait for aero to see what breaks/makes all these excellent shuttle designs. All in all I think your shuttle is in the number 1 spot for minimal SAS needs. :)

I ended up added a pair SAS units to this version. I had a version with NO SAS at all, but I ended up putting a small one in the orbiter because the RCS is not very strong at controlling roll, and one in the ET as "useful" ballast that I kinda want to remove now, but because I clipped it inside the bottom I can't get it out now :P Oh well, it helps with the roll program and roll-to-heads-up.

Good call on the parachutes. I kinda stopped looking at them and didn't notice them sticking out anymore!

I actually did recess the separatrons already, if you look even at the old version you'll see they're in a quad cluster like the real thing =) Now that i know how to use the offset settings BETTER though I can make them look more even!

Flying the shuttles WITHOUT FAR is almost harder, the stock atmosphere makes it REALLY hard to make a useful orbit, but I think I've managed with this one. Will post soon, there are some secret extra features too =)

- - - Updated - - -

I don't know why but the forum won't let me start a new reply -_-" It keeps making me "update" this one. *sigh* Oh well




Download: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/954

The latest revision of my NASA shuttle replicas! Designed to mimic the real Space Shuttle as closely as possible in design/capability/flight profile, this new version again works with both FAR and stock.

New features:

- LOX feedline that helps keep shuttle balanced until ET is completely drained

-ET has vents that induce tumble after ET separation with a built-in delay

- OMS/RCS fuel dump ports

- KU-band antenna

- Actually useful payload: IUS(sorta) + basic satellite in cargo bay!

Most importantly, the wing has been drastically redesigned. Now 3D and not just flat, it’s not just for looks! With FAR, it now allows you to fly real hypersonic S-Turns through re-entry. Pitch up to 35 degrees, pull off heading up to 20 degrees, and bank up to 50 degrees to increase cross-range! Not suggested to fly S-Turns manually unless you’re Joe Engle or John Young, best to leave it to MechJeb =)

For the adventurous, simulate STS-51-F’s Abort to Orbit, where the centre engine shuts down! Yes this will still fly properly with an engine out!

Action Groups:

AG1 - SSME Shutdown

AG3 - Toggle OMS engines

AG4 - Toggle OMS/RCS fuel dump port

AG5 - Toggle Cargo Bay Doors and Ku-band antenna

AG6 - Deploy Satellite

FAR-only AG9 - Raise body flap

FAR-only AG10 - Lower body flap

Abort - Center SSM shutdown (STS-51-F simulation)

Flight manual - Launch

-Enable SAS in stability mode

-Ignite SSME, wait for twang to return craft to vertical, then stage to ignite Boosters and release hold-down clamps

-Keep 0 degree straight up until you clear the tower (or reach approx 200m altitude, then roll towards your orbital inclination)

-Pitch about 10 degrees heads-down towards your orbital inclination after roll completes.

For FAR (300+km circular orbit)

-Switch SAS to prograde mode, making sure the indicator is set for surface and not orbit

-At about 8-10km, switch to orbit

-Separate boosters when they burn out

-You can engage OMS or a boost now, or not, it’s entirely optional

-Watch your Apogee, roll to heads-up when you’re about 70% of the way to your target orbit altitude.

-Shut down SSMEs when vehicle’s apogee reaches target and separate from ET.

-Use OMS engines to circularize orbit when you reach apogee

For Stock (150km circular orbit)

- Keep SAS in stability mode - As boosters burn out, keep craft pitched to about 20 degrees - watch your velocity as it will decrease, but it will start to increase again in about 20 seconds. - as your thrust-to-weight ratio increases, pitch gradually towards the horizon.

No matter if you’re in FAR or Stock, your perigee at SSME shut down should still be in the atmosphere (about 20km) to ensure your ET is disposed of properly.


- Suggest perigee of about 30km. If you have the Trajectories mod, then make sure the X is where KSC would be after Kerbin has rotated.

- For FAR, I suggest using MechJeb’s Smart ASS to set your desired pitch/heading/roll. Suggest initially set 30 degrees, 0 roll and heading whatever your orbit inclination was.

- Watch your speed, and as soon as it starts decreasing start your S-Turns. Keep the pitch at 30, roll to 50 and up to 20 degrees off your heading. i.e. if your orbit inclination was 0, your heading should be either 70 or 110 degrees, and roll either -50 or 50 degrees.

- Watch your trajectory on the map, and do a roll reversal to fly back to the correct course when you’ve gone off far enough. Kerbin’s small, so you probably only get one maybe roll-reversals in.

- At between Mach 4 and Mach 3, you’ll need to start reducing your pitch gradually.

- You should aim to drop below Mach 2 before you hit the denser lower atmosphere.

- You can dump all remaining OMS propellant now to reduce your landing weight.

- Watch your trims, if at any time they get too close one way or another use the body flap or the rudder speedbrake to help.

- Once you’re down to about Mach 1.2, you can pitch to about -10 degrees. You’ll want to gradually pitch down to about -20 degrees to keep your airspeed above 180m/s.

- Don’t let your vertical velocity get too high (>100m/s) or you’ll not be able to pull out in time

- The important thing is to reduce your vertical speed when you touch the runway. A high horizontal speed is normal, the real shuttle touches down at over 100m/s. This one needs about 120-130m/s.

- Good luck?

Enjoy!! Comments and feedback welcome!

Edited by Naito
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Will have to see if I have time =) Launch is so simple it's almost boring, re-entry is really cool but I'm not very good with hitting the runway, I may have to just try less ambitiously and land on a plain somewhere. Maybe do a polar orbit mission and land on the poles!

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Will have to see if I have time =) Launch is so simple it's almost boring, re-entry is really cool but I'm not very good with hitting the runway, I may have to just try less ambitiously and land on a plain somewhere. Maybe do a polar orbit mission and land on the poles!

use mechjeb to find out your burn entry point. can mech jeb land it?

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use mechjeb to find out your burn entry point. can mech jeb land it?

I haven't figured out how to do that with mechjeb yet =p I've only used it for lazy launches and for controlling the S-Turns so far.

On another note.....how's this for crossrange? :D


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Ok, those of you who don't consider shuttle replicas to be replicas without SOLID boosters.....


Unlike other solid replicas, this on DOES NOT TIP OVER at booster burnout, but roll maneuver is tough due to lack of control authority. But other than that, it has the same performance as the liquid booster version :)

Download here: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/977

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Ok, those of you who don't consider shuttle replicas to be replicas without SOLID boosters.....


Unlike other solid replicas, this on DOES NOT TIP OVER at booster burnout, but roll maneuver is tough due to lack of control authority. But other than that, it has the same performance as the liquid booster version :)

Download here: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/977

Nice job. Was just working on a set of boosters myself. Was trying to avoid 6 solids but it looks like I may have to...again convergence. :)

I haven't tested, but can your boosters accelerate your shuttle enough to boost the STS Fuel Pod subassembly I published on kerbalx, and thus make orbit above 200k?

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  • 2 weeks later...
hahahah I actually tried, but I'm apparently terrible with cars/rovers/vehicles :P

I made a van. (new video soon. this is one of the scenes - you get an exclusive sneak peak as Inigma Kerman, Naito Kerman, Westi Kerman, and Rune Kerman are one of the four mission specialists pictured. The command crew are Jeb, Bill, and Bob, of course.)


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