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Can't access VAB + SPH

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i have had the same mods for over a long time, after 0.90 a file from procedural fairings called "KSPAPIExtensions" i am not sure what it did, i tried the game out after it said it wasn't compatible, everything worked but i never checked out the actual fairings (i didn't use them). i then deleted the file, and the game still worked. later i deleted the mod and got a similar style mod because i found out i couldn't re-size the fairings or even edit the nodes and all. now i can load the game everything works, but i can't access the VAB or SPH, i can only upgrade and enter other buildings but that's it, i can't launch anything, all i can do is upgrade and Whack-A-Kerbal all the buildings and destroy them...please tell me whats wrong or what to do!

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