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More Career features in Science mode

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Similar to This suggestion, but for science mode...

I'm not a fan of career mode. I don't want to worry about money, I just want to explore. I do, however, like the way science unlocks the tech tree slowly.

I'd very much like the capability to upgrade the space center, etc... but purely using science instead of money.

I'm curious what others think?

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I don't disagree but the problem is, will Squad really balance out the progression across three modes? If they want to throw it in there, I really see no reason why it shouldn't be available but I admit I'm a bit biased towards career mode proper.

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I agree. I am not sure why the XP system isn't for example. It doesn't seem to depend on anything that isn't in the science career. Also making it so that you have to spend science to upgrade facilities shouldn't be that hard.

Just my two cents.

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