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In search of a mod pack for rovers and insight on the B9 mod.


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Hello, im new to this forum but have been playing ksp on and off since .23. i recently just got back once .9 came out since i finally fixed some issues with my pc. ive assembled a decent selection of mod packs; KW rocketry, Near future, Spacey lifters, B9, KAS, and of course Active texture. i have another i am waiting to add in, i forget its name but it adds 2 new solar systems and seemed to be decent. But anyways to the point, I'm lacking on my rover builds mainly i feel from lack of decent parts (wheels/ base structure). ive tried searching for a decent mod parts pack on curse but havent came up with anything. Could anyone suggest some to me to look into? I'd highly appreciate it!

The second question i have is regarding B9 Aerospace, I dont know if this is the correct place to ask this but if not please direct me to it. I love this pack alot, but im lost with putting the HL? maybe its HX? the very big parts into use. I know it suggests assembly of these parts in space. Im guessing with use of docking ports? I've spent moderate time looking into how others have and everyone has done some really nice builds. I'm open to any guidance, sharing of craft files to play with (this is how i learn the best), or links to helpful info. I'm also puzzled about how there isnt a command module for these parts (unless im wrong or theres just an issue with my install). Correct me if im wrong on this too but when selecting the hanger variate, you cant open and close the doors. If i can implement these parts into a craft and get it into orbit it will greatly make all my future interplanetary missions both easy and successful as a support vessel.

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