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Trying to finish LV-909 contract.

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I can't figure out what they want to finish the testing of the LV-909 engine.

On Kerbin.

Suborbital trajectory

Alt. 79,600m to 81,400 m.

So the on kerbin is easy, I got that part, its the last two I can figure out what the hell they want me to do. I've done simple launches were I use the LV-909 at the altitude bracket they give and retrieved the engine at the end of the mission. I used the engine at the altitude barket and didn't exceed 81,400m in the trajectory.

So what are you suppose to do to fulfill this contract?

Edited by xriz00
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When you're in the bracket, you have to stage the engine.

The easy way to do this is to create a new stage during the flight, and add your engine to it even if you've already lit it. Then move that stage to be the next stage in the sequence. Hit space, and bingo, your engine (which is already lit) gets staged, satisfying the contract.

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A suborbital trajectory is one where you leave the atmosphere but your periapsis never rises above the level of the atmosphere - so you're not actually in orbit.

The simplest way to complete this sort of test is to not perform a gravity turn at all - just launch, keep flying straight up, verify that you're on a suborbital trajectory (so get your apoapsis up to say 100,000 m). Then, once you enter the 79,600-81,400m range, stage the engine.

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You can't be in orbit, you need to be out of the atmosphere withing the altitude bracket then stage the engine. You can also right click the engine and see if it has a run test option.

If you had an LV-909 in orbit you could drop you periapsis into the atmosphere to create the sub-orbital condition.

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When you're in the bracket, you have to stage the engine.

The easy way to do this is to create a new stage during the flight, and add your engine to it even if you've already lit it. Then move that stage to be the next stage in the sequence. Hit space, and bingo, your engine (which is already lit) gets staged, satisfying the contract.

Ahh, thanks!!!

Thats what I needed, wasn't clear in the contract script, the fact you have to "stage" it during the bracket.

I completed it was able to complete it, thanks bunches too all!

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