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Empty Resource Containers Cause A negative cost in VAB

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I have recently made a few custom resources along with storage containers to transport those resources.

Here is an abstract of the issue and the parts that cause it.

Fuel tanks that hold either 10k or 5K of a certain resources.

the density of these resources range from 0.009 to 0.001.

The unit cost of these resources are between 5.00 and 6.00

The tanks start out empty because the resources are supposed to be mined and then transported back to Kerbin for profit.

However, when I place the empty tanks in VAB the cost reads in the area of -40,000, but when filled with the resource in the vab, the cost reads 0.

I've checked to make sure that there arn't any misplaced characters in the part.config files. They are identical to parts that I have modded and still work, except for the resource amounts and type of resource.

I've checked the resource config files, and everything checks out there too.

The only Add-on I'm using is mechjeb.

I've reloaded KSP and the problem persists.

EDIT: also, the parts operate completely normally in flight, The problem is in the VAB (Didn't check the SPH because they arnt space plane parts)

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