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Reduce physics of Space Stations

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I have a dream that I can dock to my space station in the green.

If there was a way to reduce the physics of a "Station" to 1 physics calculation it would reduce frame rate droppage.

There used to be a mod called "partweld" that did such things. But it couldn't do it "IN SPACE".

If there was a way to "assemble" parts in space, and then, after assembly and designation as "Station"... a "Partweld" would happen and that whole station would forever change into 1 part.

Please awesome people, You're my only hope.:cool:

-Peace and kindness

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This is quite a common suggestion, not surprisingly. It's been suggested ad nauseum, and you are free to peruse the fruits of those (sometimes heated) discussions at your leisure, using the forum's Search function (or a Google search, if you prefer). However, since it is on our [thread=36863]What Not to Suggest[/thread] list (under Optimisation/Combining Parts), I'm going to have to close this one, I'm afraid. :)

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