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The KSP Community My Little Pony Megathread


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  Caesar15 said:

Try ' Spikes Misadventures'

Don\'t come crying to me after you\'ve read it. Let me tell you, \'Spike\'s misadventures\' is not the full title. I looked at the full title and closed the browser. I have no intention of reading that.

Oh, and can someone point me to where I can read \'Sweet apple massacre\'?

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  mincespy said:

Don\'t come crying to me after you\'ve read it. Let me tell you, \'Spike\'s misadventures\' is not the full title. I looked at the full title and closed the browser. I have no intention of reading that.

Oh, and can someone point me to where I can read \'Sweet apple massacre\'?

Oh puh-lease!! I don\'t wanna talk about it

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  mincespy said:

Don\'t come crying to me after you\'ve read it. Let me tell you, \'Spike\'s misadventures\' is not the full title. I looked at the full title and closed the browser. I have no intention of reading that.

Oh, and can someone point me to where I can read \'Sweet apple massacre\'?

Spikes sexual misadventure, right?

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  Ascensiam said:

This should be renamed the cartoon megathread so we can change the subject to Samurai Jack or something when it really needs to!

I really suggest we change the subject now, in the meantime...


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  TNTGODZZ said:

Ceasar, you have very odd tastes in your fan fic. i like it.

I like comedy fanfics, but spikes sexual misadventures isnt horrible, it just makes me make weird faces and laugh, and no, i am not aroused by it.

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  Caesar15 said:

I like comedy fanfics, but spikes sexual misadventures isnt horrible, it just makes me make weird faces and laugh, and no, i am not aroused by it.

i have no comment on that on my behalf.

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  TNTGODZZ said:

okay, change in subject: if there was one pony that you wish would be your friend in real life, who would it be?

Flutters, she\'s the only one of them that shares any sort of interest with me. (I\'ve got plenty of cats, but no clothing sets, no apple trees, no bookshelves, no flying city (you don\'t say) or for that sake the patience to deal with someone like RD, and, i\'m not the party type, at all)

If it\'s non mane-6, i\'d have to say Derpy, if only because i often have muffins in the house and because i\'ve stood up for mocked people in the past. (I know that\'s fanon, but i can imagine)

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  Ascensiam said:

Flutters, she\'s the only one of them that shares any sort of interest with me. (I\'ve got plenty of cats, but no clothing sets, no apple trees, no bookshelves, no flying city (you don\'t say) or for that sake the patience to deal with someone like RD, and, i\'m not the party type, at all)

If it\'s non mane-6, i\'d have to say Derpy, if only because i often have muffins in the house and because i\'ve stood up for mocked people in the past. (I know that\'s fanon, but i can imagine)

nice. tbh i put the question out to change subject and have never thought about it. but d have to say RD. All of my current female friends have something in common to RD\'s personality. and i\'ve always liked a more tomboy-ish girl in comparison to a stereotypical girl, tend to have more fun around them, and they dont tend to mind vulgar comments.

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