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[Stock Parts] Space Shuttle Challenge - Full Orange Tank to Orbit

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I was thinking of the following challenge to see if anyone would be interested in meeting it. This challenge represents an extreme in KSP engineering. Not only must one design a NASA space shuttle look alike in KSP, but it should be able to fly empty, as well as heavy, and not only that, but also bring the ultimate crowning achievement into orbit: a full, untouched orange fuel tank. And after all of that, the shuttle must deorbit on its own, and land safely at KSC. Any deviations from this ideal is penalized. Who can do it? Who has done it?


The above picture is from Naito's successful run with his space shuttle.

Point Legend:

Realistic Shuttle Launch: 500 points (Two boosters or dual cluster of boosters, no engine on external fuel tank, 3 main engines on shuttle, 2 orbital engines or 2 orbital engine clusters on shuttle, RCS thrusters to maneuver shuttle)

Standard Orange Tank Payload: 1000 points

Full Orange Tank w/ Sr. Docking Port

Heavyweight Payload: 1500 points

Full Orange Tank w/ Full Large RCS Tank w/ Sr. Docking Port

Heavyweight Plus Payload: 2000 points (Download)

Full Orange Tank w/ Full Large RCS Tank w/ Sr. Docking Port w/ RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit w/batteries w/solar panels w/RCS thrusters to maneuver tank around

Return to KSC: 500 points

Orbital altitude:

Average periapsis and apoapsis above 70km, but below 120km: 500 points

Average periapsis and apoapsis above 120km: 500 points: 1000 points


0. No modded parts allowed.

1. Mods are permitted to be used to fly and/or land your shuttle.

2. Must post screenshot showing apoapsis and periapsis information

3. Must post screenshot showing full tank(s) as applicable in orbit.

4. Must post flight manual and craft file, or link to forum thread containing such.

Hall of Fame:

Remkeau - Mk.7-XT (extended body) 4000 points (Heavyweight Plus Payload) Average Alt: 165 km

0x0h - Shuttle 4000 points (Heavyweight Plus Payload) Average Alt: 134 km

Naito - FAR Compatible Jumbo Shuttle + Spacehab - 3500 points (Heavyweight Payload) Average Alt: 106.5 km

lirg03 - SSTO Shuttle Eye of Kerbin - 2000 points Average Alt: 100 km

foamyesque - Shuttle - 2000 points Average Alt:72km

Red Dwarf - Lepton - 2000 points Average Alt: 71 km

Edited by inigma
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seems cool. i don't use the forums much so forgive me if i don't use proper forum "manners" (i have read the rules and such its just that my memory is absolute crap)

i think most of my shuttle or shuttle like designs are only supposed to carry the gray the one that is half as tall as the orange 1 (I'm not good with remembering part names idk how people do it)

slight redesign of my favorite model (more like major overhaul) but whatever.

gonna go for the heavyweight version.

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Ooh this is totally up my alley. I'll be a bit lazy though and repost what I had in the shuttle thread: Shuttle Thread

The space shuttle Mk.7-XT (extended body). This report doesn't contain the full Ap/Pe Heights though (as you can see during the circularization, it's current altitude is around 120 km already at that stage). And if we're gonna be strict, the fuel tank has no docking port either. :P I can redo the flight easily with better documentation if you want if that makes it more eligible? Please let me know ;)


Album containing an entire flights events:

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-Both launch and return glide are heavily SAS/Vernor dependent for control due to the tail heavy engine assembly. Don’t leave space without it!

-OMS might be used to help in glide control but not absolutely needed.

-External tank fuel management is essential. (see ingame or kerbalX description panes)

-SSME (mainsail) thrust should be changed depending on cargo weight and distribution.

edit: Also, I just noticed that I don't show the orange tank being full in this album :rolleyes: It is, but don't believe strangers on the internet! I'll look into it soon.

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  Red Dwarf said:
Question: Does it have to be a perfect shuttle clone? I recently completed a shuttle variant which can do this, but it sure doesn't look like a normal shuttle.

No. Any variant will do. If a shuttle clone as described above, you get points for that.

- - - Updated - - -

  Remkeau said:
Ooh this is totally up my alley. I'll be a bit lazy though and repost what I had in the shuttle thread: Shuttle Thread

The space shuttle Mk.7-XT (extended body). This report doesn't contain the full Ap/Pe Heights though (as you can see during the circularization, it's current altitude is around 120 km already at that stage). And if we're gonna be strict, the fuel tank has no docking port either. :P I can redo the flight easily with better documentation if you want if that makes it more eligible? Please let me know ;)


Album containing an entire flights events:


edit: Also, I just noticed that I don't show the orange tank being full in this album :rolleyes: It is, but don't believe strangers on the internet! I'll look into it soon.

I believe you. But to prevent naysayers, better do it again with fuel tank full proof. :)

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I have a SSTO using MK3 cargo bay, and in a test flight it lifted an orange tank with 1.25m probe core, batteries and solar panels to 100km orbit as a self sustaining fuel depot. Although it looks no where close to a shuttle (do I get extra credits for innovative idea? :P).

Due to an extra crew cabin and inline docking port in the cargo bay, right now it can't fit an orange tank + 2.5m RCS tank. I may change it a bit, and fly it again, to a more than 120km orbit.

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  lirg03 said:
I have a SSTO using MK3 cargo bay, and in a test flight it lifted an orange tank with 1.25m probe core, batteries and solar panels to 100km orbit as a self sustaining fuel depot. Although it looks no where close to a shuttle (do I get extra credits for innovative idea? :P).

Due to an extra crew cabin and inline docking port in the cargo bay, right now it can't fit an orange tank + 2.5m RCS tank. I may change it a bit, and fly it again, to a more than 120km orbit.


This is a Space Shuttle challenge but you get honorable mention for sure! 2000 points.

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Okay, cool, in that case, check out my Bizarro-verse shuttle, the Lepton!

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Unfortunately, I made this album before I saw the contest, so I didn't think to put in orbital information, or check the tank's fuel levels. However, I think it still generally matches the requirements for the challenge.

Link to original threeeead

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Looking good fellas. I'm back with my super legit and abiding all rules entry now. Same design: Mk.7-XT, different payload.

Perk of doing it again also allowed me to upscale the cargo for maximum points! (orbit: 161x170)

(although, isn't the scoring a bit off? 36t for a full orange is 1000 points. but just adding 4t more (for the RCS and stuff) and it'll grant 2000 points. Shouldn't 2000 points be 2 orange tanks then? :P just thinking here to stretch the leaderboard a bit.)

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By pulling the extended crew module, drastically overfueling the external tank and igniting the OMS engines at launch, I managed to get my shuttle to lift the heavy-plus target goal. That's pretty impressive considering it was only designed to lift about 20 tons. :) 3 engine SSME cluster, 2 (liquid fuel) 'OMS' engines, and clustered SRB boosters took me to ~128.5KM circular orbit. Also managed to glide back home even with the compromised Aero/COM from removing the crew module of the orbiter, although I missed the runway by about a KM.

Youtube video of the launch/landing.

Craft files.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  ShadowZone said:
Orange tank good and well.. but I went for the 82t Kerbodyne tank. Does that count?

82 tons, it qualifies.

Btw, you can obtain the STS Fuel Pod, a Heavy Plus cargo here: http://kerbalx.com/inigma/STS%20Fuel%20Pod

Here is my entry:

42 tons, the STS Fuel Pod, a Heavy Plus cargo @ 300km orbit. Fuel is untouched. Shuttle made safe return to KSC runway using remaining onboard fuel too! This run even beat a later installed MechJeb attempt by a few dozen units of monoprop.


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