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Stability Enhancer (Enhancement)


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Just a small thought about the Stability Enhancer, When you decouple from them on launch the "arm" holding your ship falls down but the "body" stays standing straight up. I think that the "body" should fall back away from the craft.

In case you don't understand what I'm talking about I'll try to explain it a little better.

When you launch your ship off the Launch Pad you usually use some Stability Enhancers so you ship doesn't tip over before launch. Well I've noticed that sometimes (very rarely) after you launch your ship the "arms" of the Stability Enhancers that connect to your ship decouple and drop down but that still leaves the "body" of the Stability Enhancers standing right in the way.

For instance if you have a really tall rocket with a few Stability Enhancers attached to the bottom, middle, and top of the craft then the "body" of the Stability Enhancers toward the top can clip your rocket and cause bad things to happen.

My thought on a solution would be to make the "body" of the Stability Enhancer fall away from the craft instead of just standing there.

Would you somehow be able to make the stock Stability Enhancer do this?

Would you have to create an animation for it? or could you just change something in the cfg file ?

I do believe that the FASA pack has some that do this but I want the stock Stability Enhancer to do this.

Rambling Done!

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Would need to replace the stock stability enhancer itself to do it. Also, realistically, that would make structural weakness to the launch tower. FASA launch towers has much longer arms, and allowing more clearance.

I think a better suggestion, would be for a procedural launch tower, that look at the diameter of the craft and have the appropriate arm length.

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Also, realistically, that would make structural weakness to the launch tower. FASA launch towers has much longer arms, and allowing more clearance.

I am pretty sure these things exist in real life, so I think structural integrity is not an argument.

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