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Good and interesting Mods for Beginners in Career Mode? Need Advice plz


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Hi there people,

i'm relatively new to KSP (not been to mun so far, still trying out a lot :D) but already i feel like filling up the game with some usefull stuff to do in my career game, i really enjoy these small steps when finally completing a contract that gives me enough science and money to get the next batch of parts and possibilities!

thus im curious (and a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of mods) which ones have contract stuff integrated in them and do work well with career mode? so far i use scansat to add a few things to do but im not sure if it adds contracts (though i got a few ones telling me put a satellite in orbit but i wasnt progressed this far before i installed scansat). this is were you come into play, i hope you can point me to a handful of mods that can enrich the game without making it WAY too complicate for a novice kerbalnaut :D

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Personally, I recommend....

Station Science - it gives you space station lab modules and experiments to do that give you a reason to have space stations. And as the experiment parts generally have to be built, delivered, researched in space and returned to Kerbin to get the science, a reason to visit them once built. It generates Station Science contracts which pay decently and generate bonus science when completed.


And it's complemented nicely by Orbital Material Science which adds more space station modules and experiment parts


Dmagic Orbital science has a number of useful experiment parts for probes and rovers that come with a variety of contracts


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While not yet running at full tilt, Contract Configurator will be allowing modders to make mission packs for their mods easier than before. It's only about 2 months old and already very good. Thus far only one mission pack has been made as far as I know, and that's for SCANSat (dev version) and was a demonstrator for the idea. in a few months I think we'll hopefully see mission packs for all sorts of mods including Station Science, Orbital Material Science etc. I think Remote Tech will be useable in the next version too. It also allows you/modders to disable varous types of default in game missions. So for example, if you had a Remote Tech and SCANSat mission pack installed, you might want to disable the generic satellite contracts you get.

Check it out!

Have you any other mods like Kerbal Engineer, Docking Port Alignment Indicator, Contract Window +, etc? They don;t add parts or missions but are incredibly useful.

Edited by DBT85
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