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Tech tree mods


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Are there any functioning tech tree mods? I know tree loader used to be around but it has been defunct since .24 and didn't work well in .25.

Sidenote: I'm using DM Orbital Science, and Station Science, I'm wanting to set up my game such that I have to leave my own little system (Kerbin/Mun/Minmus) to get the final tiers of my tech tree.

Right now I'm set at 110% funds, 60% Science (Starting 250k Funds and 100 Science) It's a little bit short, any suggestions?

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TechManager is currently the tool of choice. It has the same features as TreeLoader, except that its file format is such that a modder can just ship the file with their mod in a /GameData/ subfolder and it will work. You also have the option to dynamically not show entire series of nodes if they to not lead to any researchable part, which is great for techtrees that support a large number of mods.

The Community Tech Tree is a custom tree that runs on TechManager. The Mod-Oriented Tech Tree is another.

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