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Yet another science unlocking suggestion - 'kits!'

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How about instead of unlocking "ideas" you actually unlock "kits" which contain all the parts needed for certain missions or mission types?

I see this as being a fix to the debate about planes before rockets or vice versa.

Here is how I envision the parts being unlocked, I haven't charted every part but this is a general overview of where these 'kits' would sit.

Tier 1 - first flights

Basic Aircraft Kit - contains jet engine, an intake, landing gear, a basic wing + winglet, basic cockpit

Basic Rocket Kit - contains the Lv t30, mk1 cockpit, decouple, and a couple of the small fuel tanks, and the small parachute

Tier 2 - to take you to LKO

Expanded Aircraft Design - replaces the aerodynamics pack which basically implements a bunch of wings and the other cockpit and ASAS

Orbiter Kit - contains the lv 909 + t45, longer fuel tanks, radial parachutes, few structural parts, radial decoupler, basic SRBs

Unmanned Probe Kit - some small probe cores, basic solar panel + batteries, tiny engines + fuel tanks (basic)

Tier 3 - Munar/beyond missions

Advanced Aircraft - the turbojet, advanced intakes, some mk2 parts

Pioneer Kit - mk2 cockpit, some larger tanks, the skipper, larger SRBs, landing gear, folding ladders, docking ports

Advanced Probe - larger probe cores, 1x6, 2x3 solar panels, larger batteries, toroidal fuel tank

Rover Kit - unlocks wheels, structural bases + seat for rovers

Tier 4 - interplanetary travel

Spaceplane Kit - advanced plane equip including the rapier engine, cargo bays

Interplanetary kit - the nuclear engine, mainsail, largest SRBs, hitchhiker modules, large docking ports, RCS

Superadvanced Unmanned - Xenon gas engines, the large solar panels, the grabbing claw

Tier 5 - Superadvanced Rocketry

Unlocks the cluster engines + superheavy fuel tanks

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