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Why will this ModuleManager patch not work?

Captain Sierra

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So I'm trying to make a personal edit I use into a modulemanager patch instead of a straight .cfg edit so I can redistribute it with a launch vehicle collection I want to publish (which also depend on these tweaks). Problem is, I have no clue why its not working. I'm certain I'm doing everything right.

Here is the entire contents of the patch:

// MM Config for making the stock 1.25m engines more powerful for clustering

// LV-T30 - significant thrust buff, small vac Isp nerf
@maxThrust = 375

@key = 0 360

// LV-T45 - moderate thrust buff
@maxThrust = 250

I have no idea why this is not working. Can someone who actually knows what the heck they're doing with MM tell me why its not working?

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For one thats not there part name the part for LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine is liquidEngine and the LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine is part name liquidEngine2

EDIT- and at



key = 0 370 This would be key,0 = *******

key = 1 320 This would be key,1 = *******


You can just change one but you need the key,0 or key,1 or what ever one it is.


// MM Config for making the stock 1.25m engines more powerful for clustering

// LV-T30 - significant thrust buff, small vac Isp nerf





@maxThrust = 375



@key,0 = 0 360 // Guessing you just change the first one




// LV-T45 - moderate thrust buff





@maxThrust = 250



Edited by Mecripp2
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For one thats not there part name the part for LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine is liquidEngine and the LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine is part name liquidEngine2

EDIT- and at

You can just change one but you need the key,0 or key,1 or what ever one it is.


Oh okay. I thought it was the filename on the cfg for part name. I gotta get that from the actual name= line in the file don't I?

Applying corrections, testing now.

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Yes you need the Parts Name = ****** for the @PART[*****] and for a part the has more then one key you need like the first key = is key,0 and the 2nd is key,1 just like some parts have more then 1 MODULE that are the same name but you want to target the 2nd one you would write the cfg using MODULE,1 hope it helps.

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