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Can you force your gme to use more RAM.


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I think telling the game to use more RAM is like, telling a person to grow another arm. It is the limitation of 32bit programs. Try 64bit. No guaranteed it will work, and many mods just disable themselves on it to prevent making something unstable even more unstable.

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Well, You can also sacrifice a ton of visual fidelity by just running 1/8 texture in game option instead of running ATM and that may reduce more ram usage, but things will look ugly.

1/2 Textures with ATM and DirectX11 let me run 4GB worth of mods with barely any crashes. :wink:

Launch options for DirectX11 (try the top one first):


-force-d3d11 (might work better, but there are problems with certain shaders, ex. on re-entry your ship will be pink)

Edited by Nitrous Oxide
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DO NOT DO THIS. While it may works for you, for many people, it has been confirmed to corrupt saves. I recommend not to try it. If you want to risk it anyway, make backups before doing anything

Either use -force-3d11, or -force-opengl

-force-3d11 will have some rendering problems with the UI and some other things, like black lines in place of paintlines in VAB and such.

-force-opengl will require -popupwindow to work properly, and still have some rendering problems, like with the gizmos UI, however, less noticeable than -force-3d11. The RAM save might be not that much compare to the above, however.

I repeat, do not try -no-singlethreaded with -force-3d11 unless you are really sure.

Edited by RainDreamer
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I'm currently playing around with astronomers visual and ATM only to see whats going on, it's definately that mod that is taking the most memory. Doesn't seem like getting more RAM for my pc would make a difference as it maxes out at 4GB anyway... oh the joys of modding your games lol. I'm determined to find a solution, AVP looks gorgeous!!!

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Ah yes, visual packs are often the one use the most RAM with all those textures. It is a choice between, "Do I want my KSP looks amazing?" and "Do I want my KSP plays amazing?"

I go with more parts and things to do. The environment can take second place after I have my amazing looking rockets.

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