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I love FAR, well... I love how FAR treats reentry into the atmosphere. However I can't launch (most rockets) or any planes that will actually survive, any tips? :)

As you are using FAR, the rules of the real world apply. First and foremost it means that you cannot deviate too far from your prograde vector. If you turn a bit too sharply and your nose turns with too much of an angle into the wind you will be punished, so slow and careful movements. Another important bit is that you have the CoM, CoT and if applicable the CoL in order. If you get them in the wrong place or the CoM shifts because fuel is spent, bad things will happen and you will not go to space today. Of course, since FAR adds appropriate drag, you will need to make sure your rocket is smooth, aerodynamic and that draggy bits are properly shielded. Drag in the wrong places will destabilize your craft. Nose cones are mandatory.

The main difference is that FAR does not allow all sorts of crazy stuff that would never fly in the real world, but does so with stock aerodynamics. If you could post some examples of your craft, more specific advise might be given :)

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There are so many things that can go wrong with FAR, so it is hard to tell where you go wrong. Though, if you are saying that your stuff can't survive, as in it get aerodynamic disassembled, then that might be a case of too much speed. Lower your TWR. 1.5 to 2.5 is about the safe zone. Doesn't mean you can't build craft with higher TWR, just means that when you are in deep atmosphere, control your throttle.

SRB are very dangerous to use with FAR because of this. Slap it on a too lightweight craft and you will literally ram into a wall of air without no way to slow down.

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SRB are very dangerous to use with FAR because of this. Slap it on a too lightweight craft and you will literally ram into a wall of air without no way to slow down.

At the same time there is no souposphere, so that is a little easier. Which reminds me: start your gravity turn almost as soon as you leave the pad with far. No useless boosting straight up. Do not be afraid to go full throttle, just make sure not to overdo it with a TWR of 12 or some ridiculous number.

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