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Game crashed and now the saved game wont load. Any chance to save that saved game?

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So the game crashed this evening. I restarted my computer and then the game. I loaded the game I had been playing, and the space center loaded and everything looked fine but when I went to the tracking stating and switch out to a probe headed for Jool the game went blank as it loaded the probe. I could switch back to the space center but everything is ow blank. I can see the boarders on the screen and go back to the main and intro menus but the loaded game will not do anything. I have a crash log if that would help. Any chance of saving my game?

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Have you tried restarting the game? Often when you get the Nullspace glitch (as it is sometimes called), restarting the game will solve it temporarily. The affected craft typically has to be Terminated from the Tracking Station, though, as switching to it triggers the glitch again.

If the game can't recover it, you can post your save file's persistent.sfs file -- perhaps some manual modification can bring it back to life. :)

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Wow it seems to have fixed itself. After a couple attempt to get it to load last night I went to bed. Figured I would try one more time to load it this morning before I figured out how to upload that large output_log.txt file. The game loaded fine this morning. The probe to Jool, that when I switched to last night, caused everything to go black after the initial game crash appears functional. One of the last things I did last was attempt to reload the last quick save. That seemed to work but not until this morning. When I loaded that game this morning it loaded at the point of that quick save. My Ike probe that I had landed just after that quick save and just before the initial crash was in Ike orbit.

If you still want the crash log I would be happy to upload it give. Please give me some instructions on how. It's too larger to simply copy and paste behind a spoiler tag or similar.

Finally is there someway I can backup a game? I have 20 missions active, ground bases, orbital stations, satellites, probes etc. I would hate to loose all this.

Edited by TerminalV
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To make a backup, press F5 (or ALT+F5 if you want to name it) to quicksave. ALT+F9 will allow you to restore that point later, or quickload.

If you really want to be paranoid about it, you can copy the save files out into another directory. Saves are located in KSP/saves/save name/ directory and are labeled with a .sfs extension. The game that is loaded when you resume yor save is called persistence.sfs. You can copy, paste, rename this out if you want, but I find it easier to use the quicksave method.



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