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Fluid Dynamics Grab-Bag


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Several interesting things came across my monitor today, and for some reason they all had a similar theme. So, without further ado, here are three really crazy-awesome demonstrations of fluid dynamics doing wacky things:

Physics Girl illustrates some crazy connected toroidal vortices in a pool:

The latest Falcon 9 video included some liquid oxygen droplets floating around in zero gravity (@ 11:44):

Just to round things out, our favorite Hadfield wrings out a washcloth in zero gravity, and the results are really, really cool:

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Fluid dynamics iz mah jam, guuurl.

I loved the way the LOX floated around after SECO on SpaceX's flight. Totally didn't expect to see it, and it was a very nice surprise. :D Here's a screenshot I grabbed from the livestream, although watching the video is a hundred times better:


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I loved the way the LOX floated around after SECO on SpaceX's flight. Totally didn't expect to see it, and it was a very nice surprise. :D

It was a little gratuitous, wasn't it? I don't remember them giving us that view post-burn before, and I can't think of a particularly compelling reason for them to include it in the stream other than nerd fan service. I'm glad they did, though!

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It was a little gratuitous, wasn't it? I don't remember them giving us that view post-burn before, and I can't think of a particularly compelling reason for them to include it in the stream other than nerd fan service. I'm glad they did, though!

I've seen it at least once before in one of spaceX livestreams :)

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We practically never encounter LOx in real life, of course, so it's particularly interesting to observe some of the more mundane physical properties here. Two that stood out for me were the low viscosity (not a surprise) and not-so-low surface tension (a surprise).

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