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[v0.19] Damned Robotics Version 1.3


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*sigh* does anyone read these forums thoroughly anymore? Solution was posted if you are a programmer AND a non-official update called InfernalRobotics has been compiled for people to use. I suggest reading a few pages worth to find the link.

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The Gifthub file is not working with my steam version of the game, the parts do not load (including stock parts).

I'm new to the game, don't know if I'm doing something wrong.

I've got the same issue. Maybe it's only happening on the Steam version, I'm not sure.

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I've got the same issue. Maybe it's only happening on the Steam version, I'm not sure.

I have steam install of KSP and my robotics are working just fine, textures on the DR parts are darker than before, but all controls are operational.

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I have steam install of KSP and my robotics are working just fine, textures on the DR parts are darker than before, but all controls are operational.

Same here, i have steam and everything works. Textures are weird and the claw looks funny. But it works.

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I've got the same issue. Maybe it's only happening on the Steam version, I'm not sure.

I reinstalled the game and deleted the current mods I had (mechJeb2 and KSPX) and now it's working.

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I reinstalled the game and deleted the current mods I had (mechJeb2 and KSPX) and now it's working.

i have mechjeb2 also, its been working fine. Im not sure what would be different with ours.

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Could someone please tell me how to make the rototron bigger? Can I change the scale? I added a rescale line but that did no good....

That should do it, so I guess you are not using it as it should :) Without more specifics it is hard to guess where the problem lies.

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Making a crane truck thingy to resupply my SSTOs, the size the rototron is makes it unstable a bit. figured id try to make it bigger...

about to go back to using gantry...crane just to wobbly lol

Edited by KhaosCorp
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Yeah, I can confirm that. One of the little cubes on the end, or better, a truss part from one of the many 'structural truss' mods works well.

That probably a result of the way the fix works. I might be able to fix it, but if its a minor issue it would be better to wait for an official release.

No idea why the part textures would be different. I used the "fixed" set of 0.20.0 parts from this thread (shortly after 0.20.0 came out), maybe they didn't include all the textures.

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Ah, Im using the parts from DR that's on spaceport and fixed .dll

Also, the rubberbanding is kinda major issue for what I was building, but minor issue overall, I can build without the DR part and it will have same functionality....just not as cool ya know =P

Here is the crane, but soon as it loads the top flops back exploding the tanks on the runway...


Im probly just gonna build a gantry like I used to use

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Soooo ...

What's the deal here? Have the original devs abandoned this mod?

The last post by r4m0n was on 22nd of May. That's over two weeks ago. And DYJ hasn't posted since September 2012.

This addon is arguably one of the best and most important to KSP, IMHO. I know r4m0n said that the 0.20 changes were hard on DR and it would take awhile to fix .. but here we are with the users patching the problem, mostly.

I understand this is voluntary work and all that, and time is needed .. but it sure would be nice to have a word or two from the horse's mouth. If they're not going to keep it maintained, it'd be nice to have DR "realeased into the wild" so it CAN be officially maintained.

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Soooo ...

What's the deal here? Have the original devs abandoned this mod?

The last post by r4m0n was on 22nd of May. That's over two weeks ago. And DYJ hasn't posted since September 2012.

This addon is arguably one of the best and most important to KSP, IMHO. I know r4m0n said that the 0.20 changes were hard on DR and it would take awhile to fix .. but here we are with the users patching the problem, mostly.

I understand this is voluntary work and all that, and time is needed .. but it sure would be nice to have a word or two from the horse's mouth. If they're not going to keep it maintained, it'd be nice to have DR "realeased into the wild" so it CAN be officially maintained.

The problem is this..

I have asked (and as you said their activity is little to none) so not getting a reply to my pm's is not a great surprise.

When I was getting responses from them, one of the things I asked R4mon about was the hinge and other models and why when I tried to create my own, the texture came out all Red (we now all know the reason for that issue) so really, I have no issue making DR parts, or making new ones, it's just the issue with the texture I need to sort out.

As far as I am aware, we can distribute the plugin, but as mentioned the parts do not have that disclaimer. If I can solve this parts issue, would you guys like to see the pack revamped with more servos and types of joints?

Im more than happy to take it on because nearly all my personal mods rely on some sort of servo or mechanism that derives from DR, and if I can just use our own converted plugin and my parts, it would solve all the problems.

@Teobug, as the others have stated, please read threads before posting, at least the last page. Your post indicates you didn't read one single post above yours.

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Sounds good Devo! I'll do what I can on the plugin side.

Don't be too hard on users like Teobug. Maybe one of the mods could update the top post with updated info?

Devo If you do make this a new plugin start a new thread. :)

Edited by astronutkhillips
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Sounds good Devo! I'll do what I can on the plugin side.

Don't be too hard on users like Teobug. Maybe one of the mods could update the top post with updated info?

Devo If you do make this a new plugin start a new thread. :)

Once a new set of parts are established, then yes a new thread for sure. If you want to talk code, sent Sirkut a pm, as he is a genius at that side of it.. I am but a simple carpenter :D

Since the two items I require are the rotatron and the large hinge, ill work on alternatives to those now, ll let you know how I go.

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