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MK16 vs MK16XL - same drag

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I noticed in the text the MK16 parachute and the MK16XL parachute have the same drag when fully deployed, or at least the text says that. I don't have the science for the XL yet but noticed that the text for both state: fully deployed they have a drag of 500. Either fix the text if its wrong or fix both the text and the drag stats so the XL has more drag, if its two chutes, then it should state, 2 chutes at 500 drag each.

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I agree that the information is misleading. Parachute mass*drag should have a seperate drag indicator and if necessary you can show the drag factor (*1,*0.5) multiplied by the mass...

Hopefully further updates will allow for more types of parachutes (slow drag ones included)

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