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The Columbia Grand Tour (Pic Heavy!) - Mission Complete


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I've been playing KSP since 23.5 in June. I estimate I have played 500+ hours. When I updated to 0.24 I started a new career with the objective to plant a flag on every planet and moon in KSP except Eve. This is the story of that mission.

Some of the mods include:


Aviation Lights (looks very very cool to light up the ship in darkness)

Docking Alignment Tool

Alcor Pod

Precise Node

Modular rocket system (only the large atomic engine)

Speedy's Hex Truss system


Kerbal Engineer


Atmosphere Enhancement mod

Custom Biomes

Distant Object View

DMagic science parts pack

Kerbal Foundries (for the wheels)

Hyper Edit (just to test some things in orbit)

I was using version 24.2 in 64 bit mode on Window 8.1. I didn't have many glitches once in flight but I had lots of crashing while building in the VAB.

A few ground rules I set myself.

1. I used Mechjeb to fly long boring interplanetary burns. However I plotted every maneuver myself and did all other flying myself.

2. I wanted to do this mission as quickly as possible (in game time). Therefore efficiency is not important, only speed.

3. Using Karbonite I wanted the mission to refuel along the way, so no supply missions needed.

4. There will be 6 Kerbals going but I wanted them to have lots of living space. No crammed into small capsules for 10+ years.

5. I don't like the game to run slow so part count is consideration #1.

6. Science is not important. (I know this is blaspheme).

I started with the usual missions to start building money and tech. I mapped the Mun using Scansat tech and decided to get most of my science from there. As a bonus, I could try out various lander and rover concepts.

Part 1. Getting Ready

This phase was me trying to establish a Mun base to fulfill a contract. Along the way I tried out mining with Karbonite, and tried to build a generic cargo lander. I am including this because I wanted to show why I made certain design choices on the mission. After this phase I had a plan ready to get the rest of the science from the Mun.

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There is a lot more to come! I will add more to this thread daily.

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Part 2. SSTOs, Mun Pillaging and Rovers.

Here's my next mission installment. In this episode I pillaged the Mun for tasty science and experimented with SSTOs and Rovers.

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Coming up is the design phase for the Grand Tour ship!

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Part 9. Eve and Gilly

When you are at Jool it is very tempting to go that little bit further to Eeloo. The problem is, Eeloo was slightly behind Jool when I wanted to go therefore it would have taken about 3 years for even a poor launch window to open. Well, this trip is about the grand tour in a minimal time so I didn't wait. Instead I headed in system to do Eve and Moho. Then I would replan for Eeloo.

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Next time, onto Moho!

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Part 10. Moho and Minmus

In this exciting installment the crew of Columbia voyaged from Gilly to Moho. Then, realizing they made an accounting error, they flew back to Kerbin to put a flag on Minmus.

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In the next installment we will travel to Eeloo and finish the grand tour!

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