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Kerbal analog EVA movement(walking)

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Hi everyone!

I've been playing KSP since version 0.13.

After a few updates there was 1 that enabled analog walking of Kerbals on EVA.

I can't for the life of me remember which update that was or, more importantly, why doesn't it work in the most recent version (0.90) of the game?

I'm running a clean and vanilla install of KSP. Back then as well.

It's a little jarring to land a craft with a joystick/pad, but then having to switch to using keyboard and mouse when I go EVA.

Yes, I always assign an axis to every place that enables me to do so, but the funny little green guys just don't walk using an axis of any kind.

Movement in space using the jetpack does work though.

Am I missing something here? Because I know for sure it was possible for some time.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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