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Editor Scene: What Part is user Mousing Over in Bin?

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Hey all,

Is there a way I can in the Editor scene, tell what part the user has their mouse over, not in the 3D view, but in the parts bin on the left? Or if that can't be done, maybe a way to tell what part it is if they right click it?

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I'm trying something along the lines of this:

VABCamera cam = Camera.main.GetComponent<VABCamera>();
GUILayer editorLayer = cam.GetComponent<GUILayer>();
if (editorLayer.HitTest(Input.mousePosition) != null)

But the hit test always comes back null, so either I have the wrong camera, the wrong GUILayer, or something. Not sure.

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You could repurpose this snippet:

[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)]
class EditPartListPrefab : MonoBehaviour
class ClickListener : MonoBehaviour
AvailablePart myPart;
EditorPartIcon icon;
bool mouseFlag = false;

void Start()
myPart = GetComponent<EditorPartIcon>().partInfo;
icon = GetComponent<EditorPartIcon>();

void OnClick(IUIObject obj)
print("User clicked " + myPart.partPrefab.name);

void OnInput(ref POINTER_INFO ptr)
switch (ptr.evt)
if (!mouseFlag)
mouseFlag = true;
print("User moused over " + myPart.partPrefab.name);
mouseFlag = false;

void Start()

The PartIcons are EzGUI buttons, not Unity GUI, so if you really want to manually cast a ray instead you'll want to do it on the EzGUI_UI layer using one of the EzGUI UI cameras

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The PartIcons are EzGUI buttons, not Unity GUI, so if you really want to manually cast a ray instead you'll want to do it on the EzGUI_UI layer using one of the EzGUI UI cameras

Well that would explain it! Thank you so much!

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