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What's wrong with my orbit? (mission question with screenshots)

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I'm trying to complete my first mission where a specific orbit is required, and as far as I can tell I have exactly matched the orbit required. Why isn't the contract completing at this point? It is telling me that the orbit isn't correct yet, but not what is causing a problem in particular.

As seen below my apoapsis and periapsis are extremely close to the required values, and my path lines up so well with the guide displayed in the map its impossible to tell them apart without getting extremely close.

The mission requirements can be seen on the right, and information about my orbit is visible in the flight engineer tabs as well.

My only idea so far is my inclination doesn't seem to be close to what it says it should be? However changing it to 179 degrees would surely through me out of the orbit as displayed..

Any help is greatly appreciated.




Edited by miggello
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Wow.. well I guess I'm putting another satellite into orbit then, there's no way I can turn this thing around with 75 m/s =D.

Thanks GoSlash!

You're very welcome, and don't sweat it; lots of people have made that mistake.

As a freebie, you're going to want to stuff a few hundred more m/sec DV into your launch vehicle for the westward launch.

Good luck!


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