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0.90 Craft loading Glitch

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I got on my KSP in my 0.90 career mode world and tried to load a craft in the VAB. It did not load the menu to select the craft after 5 mins. ;.; I then ran the patcher for ½ an hour but if did not help. Then I went back in the game and since you can load crafts in the VAB from witch you created in the SPH and vice versa I went to the SPH and all my crafts were their. I don't know what caused this and any idea what could fix it would be a great help to me. :D Thank you if you respond!

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Well, it's weird that you can open VAB files in the SPH but not in the VAB.

Typically when you can't open the load dialog in the editor, it's because there is a corrupt craft somewhere. Does the same thing happen if you start a brand new save file?

Two things to check.

1) Make sure your directories are not set to "Read Only" - this is often a problem with Steam installs.

2) Figure out if you have a corrupt .craft file.

To find out if a craft file is corrupt, move them all out of the Saves\[saveName]\Ships\VAB directory, then try to open the "Load" dialog. (You do not need to exit KSP for any of this.) If the load screen shows up, then close it and move your craft files back a few at a time, trying to open the Load dialog after each addition. Once it stops loading, you have it narrowed down. Get rid of that craft file and you should be good to go.



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