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What Happens When I'm Bored In Biology


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I see a microscopic cross-section of a plant leaf, Sphess Krakens, UNS Pingas, and the Normandy. Someone likes Mass Effect! ;)

I also like Space Stalin and Reaper Burrito. And in the very back the Derp Star.

Yeah I had too much fun making this ;D

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Good luck on turning it in. Also, MASS EFFECT :D

EDIT : Also the structure of a leaf is not a flying sandwich.

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Wat do you teach?

(Please let it be science)

DING! We have a winner!

Yes, I teach Science (and Chemistry for Yrs 11 and 12). Also Christian Studies. I am qualified also to teach History, but I have not actually had the opportunity to do that in about 13 years (I have a varied portfolio!).

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Most recently, when bored in my lectures, I have been programming some image processing stuff... just for fun. Low-pass filter, RGB-greyscale converter etc.

Well, I say that like I am making it general purpose... when actually I am loading up the same image each time and just doing shit to it.

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