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New Kerbal player here from the mystical land of Canadia!


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Hellooooo everyone.

I speak for everyone here when I say this game is hook, line and sinker. The first couple hours spent were definitely used adjusting to the learning curve, with my first rocket smashing into the launch pad because I staged my chutes wrong, killing poor Jeb. But now after a good 90 hours I can say I'm finally getting into the swing of things, I'm going interplanetary with a planned Duna mission, I'm getting pretty good and docking and rendezvous and I've blown through so many quicksaves I've lost count. I hope my time here sparks up some good discussion and maybe I can help players still struggling with the things that I now have come to be familiar with!

Anywho, glad to be aboard!

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Hello and welcome to the forums!

The first couple hours spent were definitely used adjusting to the learning curve, with my first rocket smashing into the launch pad because I staged my chutes wrong

Don't worry about that one. It still happens to the most seasoned of KSP players and even happened to real life rocket scientists at least once ;)

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