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Mission Chronicle: South Pole Command Centre

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Just a few pictures of the recent mission to launch my South Pole Command Centre. Going aloft on an as usual untested 3m rocket. Note the two rovers slung beneath the lander for Munar deployment :)












Next plan is to try getting a nice video of the rover going over the edge of the pit full tilt á la Groundhog Day. Managed to land it once in one piece. Fraps doesn\'t seem to like KSP/my PC though :-[

P.S. Hats off to all of the many developers and modders who\'ve helped me have so much fun with this game... you fellas never cease to amaze me :)

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  Cthulufaic said:

:o Wow... just.... my god.... How did you get the windmill thing there?!

My eyes are crying rocket fuel and Jebidiahs!

EDIT: Where is that massive crater?

Thanks for the praise, glad to know my hours with KSP haven\'t been wasted. :)

Below is a picture of the launcher I used to get the Comm. Tower to the South Pole Base. As you can see I prefer to go for the more realistic looking vehicles! Only just got the damned thing there... think there\'s maybe ten seconds worth of fuel left, mainly because I was hovering for a while looking for a level enough landing site.


The tower itself uses the Damned Robotics plugin, several hydraulic cylinders to extend to full height, and a rotational/hinge combination so I\'ve got full rotational and azimuth control over the dish. In true Kerbal fashion I just pointed it roughly at Kerbin and started trying to fly rovers. :D

Regarding the crater shown in my previous slides, all I can say is it\'s near the South Pole, as there\'s something rather mysterious at the bottom. ;)

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