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[STOCK HELICOPTER] KH-6 Kickasaw Naval Utility Helicopter


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Introducing the Newest in a series of stock utility helicopters as of 1/23/2015

The KH-06 Kickasaw


The Kickasaw is a medium range utility helicopter designed to land in water as well as on land. In this respect is the successor to the previous Guppy.

Although slightly slower than the Guppy in level flight, the Kickasaw has a much more durable bearing for the rotors.






DOWNLOAD IT HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcdb3ztdrrnv0dx/KH-6%20Kickasaw.craft?dl=0



#1 Raise the throttle to around 75-100%

#2 Press space to decouple and start the rotor motor

#3 Right click on a small probe core in the back of the cockpit and select "Control From Here"

From here flying it is straightforward. Use the [ and ] keys to switch between the rotors and helicopter to control the speed and RPMs

keep it as a rule of thumb to keep it under 30 M/S in level flight. The faster the RPMs the greater the chance of a rotor malfunction.

Landings should be done with at least 25% throttle.

Vertical landing speed = Less than 7 M/S

Keep horizontal landing speed as close to zero as possible, especially when landing on land

Have fun and please report issues you find with the helicopter. I will attempt to fix these in the next iteration.

Edited by Jon144
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