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Mechjeb (I caved in and got it) - docking question.

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Well I'm putting together a spacecraft in orbit finally, and I'm using Mechjeb to do it, it's REALLY simple and easy once you get the hang of it. One problem. While I figured out automated docking fairly quickly...my piece I sent up did not dock with it...since the piece I was docking with somehow ended ON TOP of the new piece I sent up. Not nose to tail like I wanted. wierd. Any tips on preventing this from hapenning in the future?

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Still not working, but I think I have a workaround. When the second piece is JUST hugging the first, back up with RCS thrusters, use SAS to point to the target, and give it a LIIIIIIIITLE bit of thrust. they will collide and hopefully hold on.

- - - Updated - - -

STILL not working. Okay I have a couple of screenshots for you guys so you could help me out.

Here I am closing in with RCS to my "cockpit" for my ship:


I'm using the Docking Autopilot of Mechjeb, and for some strange reason I always end up similar to this:


What the heck is going on here?

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Tips for manual MechJeb docking (once within 2.5km):

#1 Switch to vessel B with '[' or ']', right click on the docking port that you want to dock on and pick "control from here"

#2 On vessel B, set target to vessel A

#3 In SmartASS click "TGT" then "TGT +" buttons to point at the target

#4 Switch back to vessel A, repeat the "control from" on the correct docking port and setting of target and SmartASS

Start thrusting towards your target with 'H' RCS thrusters until you have about a 1-2 m/s closing rate and the numbers are ticking down.

Fire up the DPAI addon and use I/J/K/L keys to push the prograde marker into the center of the window. Use Q/E keys to rotate your vessel to match the alignment of the docking port on both vessels.

Initial closing rate should be 1.5-3.0 m/s until you get within 100m of target. Switch back and forth between vessels every 100m of closing distance or every 30 seconds. Keep adjusting translation with I/J/K/L keys (you don't have to be exact, just get the prograde marker within the orange circles).

At around 100m, drop closing speed to 1.0-1.5 m/s. Drop closing speed again at 50m distance to 0.75-1.0 m/s. Drop closing speed again at 25m distance to just 0.5 m/s. Keep switching between vessels to fine tune things with I/J/K/L keys.

Note that using SmartASS to assist in keeping the two docking ports pointed at each other only works if both ships have RCS or attitude control. Without it, you're in for a lot more fun.

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I use MJ religiously (seriously, it's a Swiss-army-knife of useful features) and still dock manually 90% of the time. I can't say the same for ascent, rendezvous or planetary transfer (thank you porkchop plots!) however.

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My hunch was correct:


Yep, the docking ports were on the wrong way. was under the assumption that it didn't matter which way they were. Ended up redesigning those two sections too. Now that I know how to do it, next up is the habitation module, the power module (simple 8-way radial solar panels on a fuel tank)...and the main engines.

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