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Hello from Argentina!


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Hi everyone! :)

I'm new to.. everything actually: KSP, the forums and even physics (not entirely new, obviously, but still learning some basics :D)

I'm playing mainly vanilla career mode as I've read it's better to start simple, and though I plan to eventually add mods, I just don't know when to start doing so (as in "how much should I play vanilla before I start adding those"). What do you recommend?

Sorry for the confusing grammar/sentence structure or bad english overall; it's just not my native language.

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Play until you feel comfortable with the gameplay and want to expand your experience. Only you can answer that, as this game's learning curve can be a little intimidating at first. When I started I did the same thing and played vanilla "science" mode, which at the time was the only option other than sandbox. I landed on the Mun and Minmus multiple times, and set up a refueling station in orbit above Kerbin. Once I could dock comfortably I expanded the visual graphics of the game and slowly messed with a few other mods. I still prefer playing vanilla with just some basic visual enhancers and maybe 1-2 others to expand information mostly.

I hope you enjoy KSP, and fly safe!

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Welcome aboard!

I haven't meddled with mods very much. I did use a few for a while that just added functionality, such as Engineer and RealChutes and Kethane for a while, but I always ended up returning to stock. I think that the best time to try fiddling with mods is when you are able enough to land on both moons of Kerbin AND can perform at least a few dockings. That is the majority of the skill sets in KSP, and mods tend to change the procedures, so it's good to have the stock frame of reference first, in my opinion.

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I recently gifted a copy to a friend and a cousin who have never heard of this game.

I wanted them to learn the underlying game before making things too easy or difficult for them.

They have seen my heavily modded copy and often enquire why they don't have a certain feature or a part, to which I carefully reply and convince them to stay away from a lot of mods at least for the first few hours.

However, I did suggest 2 addons to them both.

Mechjeb and docking port alignment indicator. They both agree to not use the autopilot feature, 'cause they both want to be able to do stuff themselves but like the read outs from MJ. Alternatively, you could use Kerbal Engineer Redux, which is all the relevant read outs with no autopilot.

And, I consider DPAI absolutely necessary for all docking operations.

Welcome and have fun!

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Thanks for the replies! I guess I'll add Kerbal Engineer and DPAI, maybe that other alarm mod (since I've already touched down on Mun) and that'll be it. At least until I start meddling with interplanetary affairs.

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