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Artificial Gravity Using Magnets? (but probably not the way you're thinking)


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Most people have thought of just using magnetic boots to walk around on space ships, with the boots sticking themselves to the metal floor like a really awkward substitute of gravity, but the idea is generally considered too clunky and uncomfortable, with steps taking a lot of effort or electromagnets powered by the wearer's suits being required. So I was wondering, what if you switch the idea around?

Would it be possible to make the ceiling of the ship you're on have a relatively large magnetic field, and then wear clothing with magnetic plates in it that are set up to repel you from the ceiling, pushing you into the ground? I've never really had a good idea of the power of magnets at range, other than the fact that they become ridiculously strong up close (which is why the mag-boots are frustrating to use) but I figured that the ceiling of a ship is a pretty big piece of metal, meaning it can be a pretty big magnet, whether it would be big enough to be useful without being too heavy, I have no idea. Obviously even if the ceiling worked, this would cause problems with any magnetic materials used within the ship and I have no idea if the magnetic plates worn in the clothing would have to be uncomfortably large for it to repel at decent ranges, but I figured I'd throw the idea out and see if anyone else knows if it is or isn't a good idea or if it's even already been tried

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You know how gravity falls off with the square of the distance from the "source?" Or electric fields? Well, magnetic fields don't do that. They're diploles, and thus their strength falls off with the cube of the distance. So to have any real effect over the distance from the ceiling to your head, let alone the floor, is going to require some rediculously strong magnets. And strong magnetic fields play havoc with all kinds of stuff, even your body over the long term. Plus you have to ensure that the other magnets remain in opposition to the ceiling magnets, otherwise you'll flip over and get pulled into the ceiling. A magnet used for attraction can just pull on a piece of iron and the fields in the iron will automatically orient themselves in the correct way for attraction.

Edited by pincushionman
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The thing you mentioned about the magnets in the suit getting turned around is a good point, because if the magnet's strong enough to repel at any reasonable distance, that means that it'll be very powerful when it comes to attraction, meaning that if you manage to get turned around at all (like laying down vertically or even just bending backwards) then the repulsive side will push even further away while the attractive side will pull up, meaning you'll end up being turned around pretty quickly and attracted to the massively strong magnet on the ceiling, which is getting stronger as you get closer, until you end up getting a good chunk of your body crushed

Or if you're lucky, the stitching holding the plates in your suit fails before you get turned around and dragged up and they fly upwards dangerously close to your head as they go to the ceiling. Definitely not the safest thing now that I think about it

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What's the point? The negative effects of microgravity are on the human organism, which your magnets do nothing to alleviate. The floating around bit is fun and actually beneficial when it comes to living in a small volume because you can all of the space above and below and you can move heavy loads without too much effort.

Edited by Nibb31
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No, it could actually help on the bone density and musle atrophy... But true it would be nothing more than ie. working out with rubberbands... And if you can do the same with being strapped to an exercise bike or something ... really no reason to carry expensive magnets into space.

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Now, what I think why everyone needs, or more precisely wants, artificial gravity is that they want to live like on Earth. Muscle atrophy and bone density could be solved by medication and exercise, and floating is fun, but having to use special toilet adapter, or eating soup using straw, or not showering for 6 months or more will feels insane

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Atrophy is a direct result of a cells inability to intelligently adapt. I'm sure in the far future when we know everything about microbiology, and synthetic cells and DNA are common practice, decay will be an issue of the past.

Just remember to invest in "smart cells". (I haven't yet decided if I am joking or not.)

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Isn't it more the overal mechanics of maintainance that is build around the notion of gravity, so that is what needs to be adepted, not the cells directly

  travis575757 said:
Why not just make computerized electro magnetic boots so that as they get further from the ground they are increased in force and close it is deceased to kind of mimic gravity.

Because sticking to the ground is not gravity. There is still no force pulling down the fluids in your body, or putting force on your bones and muscles

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Problems with microgravity isn't about flying around ; problem is with the fact that water falls only and only to "lower" places (ie. water's gravitationally attracted, or if there's any other possible cause). Then we also need strain from being "weighed" by gravity (keep our muscles not really relaxed I guess). No real substitute bar acceleration (like, a spinning torus); Unless then we found some other thing that attracts all the matter in our body (not just attracts some matter then dragging it along)...

Edited by YNM
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