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KSP 1.0 Hype train thread


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I know that has been there before for 0.90.0, but anyway:


Today, (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/326-Beyond-Beta), squad has announced that the next update will be 1.0 and that we'll get a bunch of cool features! Since squad doesn't announce things without a purpose... All aboard the hype train!

Personally, I'm looking forward to the new aerodynamics. I've been waiting for that since .18...

Add your own hype!

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Sorry, but we prefer not to get everyone stirred up until at least the Experimentals phase of the update; it could be months till then, and getting everyone hyped up this early is just going to result in people being excessively impatient. There's a lot going in this update, so let's give them some time to do it right. :)

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