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Low Tech Space Planes (Techlevel 300)

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Just wanted to show off some low tech space planes which are built from parts up to 300 science that i built lately. Still didn't unlock unlimited research in my career game but working hard on it. Though the low tech planes are more challenging, R.A.P.I.E.R.'s make it nearly too easy. All craft are well balanced and aligned for smooth operation throughout their mission using the rules outlined in my documentation about space plane building in KSC (see signature).

Probably one of the coolest looking designs is this 2-engine-set space transporter for cargo up to around 5-6t. Mainly intended for engine part tests for aerospikes, PB-ION's and the like. Here it's standing on runway before launch for an aerospike test which is mounted in the cargo bay area between the 2 tanks.

http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/SPT Bitail 300 0_01.craft


The next one is a larger transport space plane, also low tech featuring 4 engine sets. It's intended for sub/orbital engine tests of the bigger engines like KR-2L. Here on it's maiden test flight around KSC while testing it's rocket engines. This plane isn't too easy to get into an orbit but it is possible.

Empty cargo bay: http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/SPT Quatropus 300 0_00.craft

KR-2L engine for testing in cargo bay: http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/SPT Quatropus 300 0_00 PTT KR-2L.craft


This one isn't actually a plane. It's a low gravity vacuum shuttle to serve at orbital stations / bases around Mun and Minmus and other low gravity bodies. It has parachutes though for landing at KSC too to return Kerbals after their shift at stations and bases. It has a nuclear engine as main engine for flights between Mun/Minmus and Kerbin. It also has wheels so that you don't need to land too precise at the outpost. Simply taxi to it.

Version with wings as in the image: http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/VAC Shuttle-09 300 0_02.craft

Version without wings: http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/VAC Shuttle-09 300 1_01.craft

Currently testing the version without wings. The wings weren't really intended to create much lift, they were basically meant as structural element between fuselage and VTOL engines. But since this shuttle is intended to only operate in vacuum for the most part i created a version without wings which saves 8 parts. With a little practice it's still possible to get the shuttle down near KSC.


The following is a research plane only for atmospheric use. It's intended for all those temperature, seismic and whatever else scan missions around KSC. Range is around 1/4 Kerbin at ceiling around 25000m / 1550m/s. Has 2 VTOL engines for landing in difficult terrain and a 4th wheel a little above ground at the rear end to avoid tipping over when landing uphill.

http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/SSN Duck VR 300 0_04.craft


And finally the fun part. A helicopter intended for splashed down part tests and taking a bath around KSC with floats.

http://www.docmoriarty.com/ksp/mods/HEL Wasp 300 0_00.craft


All craft are stock, no mods.

Edit: added craft files and a VTOL research plane.

Edited by DocMoriarty
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The thing I like best about the Mk2 parts is how sleek you can make your spaceplanes look. Here's what I slapped together with the 300 science parts. It's mainly designed for the laythe/vall mission that I'll do one of these days.


I'm struggling to make it fly just as well with either a passenger module or full sized probe in the space where there's now a cargo bay with really lightweight science equipment. You can see the two black lines of the opened science jr. in the picture. It's pretty startling how small the weight difference has to be for the lift and thrust to suddenly not be enough.

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The COM shifting isn't a problem with my spaceplane. The place where I'd put the passenger cabin or probe is pretty much at the COM already and the adapter between cockpit and docking port doesn't have fuel in it (though it could have quite a bit of liquid fuel and it would still be balanced). The extra weight is mainly noticable around 30km where you suddenly have to pitch up too high and can't get your 2200m/s anymore because of a lack of either lift or thrust (I don't know which). Maybe I flew it wrong the second time though.

By the way, I'll third the opinion that your helicopter is really cool. Looks like it will be useful too.

Edited by Frank327
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