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Camera angle

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Hi guys,

Is there a way to set the camera angle in such a way, that you basically have the "Free View" camera, but always looking at where your "nose" is pointing? I figured it would be pretty useful for VTOL-maneuvering.

I kind of want this, so I don't have to focus on turning the camera with my mouse (or with the hat switch on my joystick), while concentrating on maneuvering in tight spaces, or do precision docking with stuff on the ground.

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The problem with the chase camera is, that it rolls as well. For that, there's the improved chase cam mod, but I cant seem to get it to always look where my nose is pointing.

EDIT: What I ment was, Improved Chase Cam is looking at your forward velocity vector. With VTOL's, you sometimes fly backwards, or your velocity vector at least changes a lot, which makes the viewing angle jerky.

Edited by andruszkow
Lousy reasoning :)
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