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Operation Ground Pound. (Sequel to Op Return to Sender) (pics: soon) (game: Coming Soon)

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Welcome Back:

Here is your current sitrep.

After successfully recapturing KSC, your commanding officers in your PSC have decided to launch a counter attack against the enemy. This enemy has been identified as your rival company, Babylon Industries. If they want war…will give them war. Now that the company has hired new pilots and regained strength we are ready to launch our counter attack. Your objective will consist of three targets:

The first one will be a bunker which is housing HVT (high value targets) and many important documents.

The next target is an ICBM

The final target is three prototype tanks. These new tanks have a new AI weapon system that allow it to attack targets even in the air. This can not be allowed to make it on the production line.

All three targets are guarded by anti-air systems

These are secondary targets. These do not have to be destroyed

Also the coast has radar sites. You will need to fly low to avoid being detected or mission will result in failure.

Do not destroy these. If you do you will be detected and mission will fail.

After your attack runs are complete…you are free to escape the area and radar will not be a problem.

Your objective is simple. Fly in undetected….destroy the three targets, get out and land back at KSC.

We need you back alive…we can't afford losses.


You have some time before the operation begins…make sure your craft is full prepared for combat


Ok now that you have read the story here are the rules


Other mods are welcomed but not recommended.

if you are using other mods, do not complain about lag. You will receive no sympathy

2. Victory Requirements

Must destroy the three targets (tanks count as one)

Must return to base and survive

3. Defeat:

You die

you are detected before engaging the enemy

you fly above max altitude

you fail to destroy the targets

you fail to return to KSC


3. How to do mission

A. Take off from runway and fly west across the ocean

B. During intercontinental flight…your max altitude is 10,000 meters. DO NOT FLY ABOVE THIS LIMIT

C. when within 6KM of the radar sites…fly below 2000 meters to remain undetected. You must fly at least 3km of one of the radar sites and provide a pic. Failure to do so will be deemed cheating and will result in failure.

D. Once you are 6KM on the other side of the radar sites…you are clear to engage the three targets.

E. Destroy the three targets and survive (provide pics)

F. When all three are destroyed…return to KSC while still maintaining the altitude limit.

G. Land Back at KSC. (Note* if you can at the very least make it back to the light green flat area around KSC I can accept it as making it back

F. Take a pic of the mission stats to show what your max altitude was to prove that it was below 10,000 meters

Other rules

a. Keep Honorable

b. Don't mess around with any of the craft

c. Also take pics of the engagement to show you actually doing

d. If you choose to record the battle in video….THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

e. If you do pics..you need to take at least one pic of you attacking each target and one pic of the damage done to each target at the end

f. You must use a aircraft you made yourself (don't be that guy that rips off others aircraft)

g. You must add the weapons manager to your aircraft and set it to team B

h. No lasers. Its too cheep

i. Your craft must be one of three types: Attacker, Bomber, or Gunship. Please refer to the class rules to review the regulations you must follow for your craft type

Don't be that idiot that makes a craft that is clearly a bomber and call it an attacker or mix any of the craft.



k. no quick saving. Entire flight must be done in one go.

1. Armament restrictions:

a. 12 missiles max.

b. 4 bombs max.

c. 2 rocket pods max

d. one gun (if its a turret gun you must set it so it doesn't move)

e. 1 pair of countermeasures (two countermeasures both set to the same action group)

You are not limited to choosing which type of weapon, just the amount of type of weapon (example: you can have a craft with 12 missiles, 4 bombs, 2 rockets and one gun)

2. engagement restriction

may not engage the target more than 1.5km about the ground

1. armament restrictions.

a. No guns

b. unlimited bombs

c. 24 missiles max

d. no rockets

e. 4 sets of 4 of counter measures (max of 16)( must have at 4 per action group. no more…no less)

You are not limited to choosing which type of weapon, just the amount of type of weapon (example: you can have a bomber with 16 bombs and 24 missiles)

2. engagement restriction

When attacking a target, you may not engage it at an altitude of more than 3km above the target.

3. design restriction

The at least 75% of all weapons must be stored in a bomb bay

1. armament restrictions

a. 1 vulcan mini gun (6 boxes of ammo max)

b. 1 30 mm autocannon (6 boxes of ammo max)

c. 2 105 howitzer guns (only one for attack. the other is for extra ammo)

d. 4 sets of 4 of counter measures (max of 16)( must have at 4 per action group. no more…no less)

You are not limited to choosing which type of weapon, just the amount of type of weapon (example: you can have a gunship with 1 vulcan, 1 30mm and 2x 105s)

2. engagement restrictions

When attacking a target, you may not engage it at an altitude of more than 2.5km above the target.

3. Design restrictions

All guns must be side mounted in an AC-130 style. Only exception is the second 105 howitzer as it is used for extra ammo and not attack. It must be inside the craft though

Final Rule:







Edited by War Eagle 1
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Oh mesa lika dis, except for the countermeasure limitations, I normally fly with no less than five on all my craft. One on each wingtip, One on each elevator wing tip and one atop the rudder, just underneath the rear engine, or at the rearmost point on my craft if using side engines or a propeller engine.

Also For the attacker class of craft I have a craft that is a Spitfire design that uses 6 50cal machine guns from Spanners BoomSticks mod, carries a single 1000lbs bomb, and eight hellfire missiles, the 50 cal guns are mounted in the wings and only have 4 ammo boxes. I also have a model that I've managed to place a 30cal gun gonadal into the center of the propeller and removed two of the 50cal's. Would these craft be ok to use in this challenge since I'll be needed to use the guns to strafe ground targets a lot.

I've also been thinking about making a 30cal version of the Sukia dive bomber the one that used the gunpods instead of bombs would something like those be allowed in the bomber class provided it only carried the two 30cal gun pod, and minimal bomb load I am thinking maybe four or six of the 500lbs bombs, or a single 1000lb or cluster bomb. I really do not think guns are powerful enough to take out a bunker.

Other than those concerns and the concern for lag-outs I think that this sounds good. I am a bit worried about how high you are limiting the attack to be carried out at for the total mission, and each class of craft but I feel it adds to the spirit of this challenge. I just hope that i can rebuild my main PC before you are finished. Stupid power-supply overheated the 4pin cpu plug/socket and melted em both....

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I don't think I ll be able to add it today because of stuff IRL. I ll try to add it tomorrow, don't hold me to it though

**** Change in plans…I will instead be waiting for BD to be updated before making the game.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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would this be an ok attack aircraft?


EDIT 4 mavericks, 2 snakeye bombs, 2 S8-KOM rocket pods and one Gau-8 cannon. 4 countermeasure pods

- - - Updated - - -

i dont think that the alt limit on approach will be a problem because my normal flight altitude is around 400 meters

EDITEDIT i revised the countermeasure pods to two pods linked to a single action group

Edited by teepee2345
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300 fuel plus a basic jet engine, 50% speed of sound aprox.

Im not sure if that would get you back to KSC though. I did a test run with my PGB-4B Arkbird (holding 72 BD bombs). It has close to 5000 units. After flying across the ocean, flying low at the area where I will put the Radar, then dropping 24 bombs at each of the three areas where the targets will be, I returned to KSC. At the end…I had about half of the remaining fuel. Granted my aircraft is much heavier though.

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Just to let everyone know, I have updated the link to the bombs, howitzer cannons, and the MLRS missile hellfire modifications, You have a pick of 250lbs, and 1000lbs bombs as with two sizes of the howitzers one smaller, and one larger than the stock BDArmory ones. The post is in the main BDArmory thread and BahamutoD has included a short-cut link in the first post to my modded content.

Also with some testing that I have been doing on my own with my pos backup pc I have found that grand attack with the Kpitfire like plane 's gun while look awesome they are lacking the punch to take out the craft that I've placed up for targets. Maybe if I was able to get them aimed to cross at the right point in front of the plane it would become a bit more powerful, but as they are now half of the shots go wide and another third that hit bounce off the target. I will "STILL" attempt to use the craft in the challenge but I don't expect much results and hope for a surprise.

This also goes over to the JU-88 Stuka gun design the 30mm cannons lack the aim and I feel the punch needed to make it worth while. I'll be adjusting its load-out for a heavier bomb-load sadly it will be unable to have a bomb bay due to the design of the craft. So it may have to be an attacker.

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when the alt limit for approach to target, is it radar alt or ASL?

also i have made a more efficient version of my pervious attacker that has many times the range. even though it uses two basic jet engines. with 1000 units of fuel a journey to the target area use about a seventh or eighth of the available fuel

Edited by teepee2345
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Unless you use AJE and RO it is doubtful you will have problems flying to the other continent on 1 fuel tank of liquid fuel. I think when I flew around Kerbin I did with around 60 Kebals and 400 fuel and never climbed above 20km.

I did a test flight earlier today in the F-119 Akula and stayed below 1.5km and did it using the RAPIER engine on it and never used more than 40 fuel. And that was going supersonic the whole way with a load of ordnance.

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How about this little beauty of a bomber. Still in development/optimization and testing, but currently is only equiped with 8 countermeasures (will be fully outfitted with 16 when done), has 10000+ units of fuel capacity, and can carry 108 mk80's. Part of the testing will be other deployment packages as well as possible missles if for nothing more than target distractions for any anti-missle defenses. She's a bit slugish and about as agile as a drunk elephant, but can put a hurting on ground targets

Edited by Valdon
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Didn't know the flight would be "intercontinental" . . . the rules reference "transcontinental" flight. Might want to update that . . . changes my plans a bit.

Thank you for pointing that out…it has been changed to intercontinental.

How about this little beauty of a bomber. Still in development/optimization and testing, but currently is only equiped with 8 countermeasures (will be fully outfitted with 16 when done), has 10000+ units of fuel capacity, and can carry 108 mk80's. Part of the testing will be other deployment packages as well as possible missles if for nothing more than target distractions for any anti-missle defenses. She's a bit slugish and about as agile as a drunk elephant, but can put a hurting on ground targets

Well that is truly one of the most "Kerbal" looking bombers I've ever seen.


Im still waiting for BD to update but if you guys want some inspiration…here you go



This is the PGB-4b Arkbird. This is what I will be using in the coming battle.


This is what 72 M80 BD armory bombs looks like in an aircraft of this prestige.

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Thank you for pointing that out…it has been changed to intercontinental.

Well that is truly one of the most "Kerbal" looking bombers I've ever seen.


Im still waiting for BD to update but if you guys want some inspiration…here you go



This is the PGB-4b Arkbird. This is what I will be using in the coming battle.


This is what 72 M80 BD armory bombs looks like in an aircraft of this prestige.

Good looking aircraft, is it FAR compatible?

I am looking forward to this mission, but I find it funny that attack aircraft can only have 1 gun. Most of my fighters have 2 20mm vulcans mounted under the nose. I think my Akula is the only fighter I have that does not have a pair of guns.

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70 bombs is quite a lot :) I was planning to cruise over in something a bit smaller, It can just about take the maximum fighter load-out internally and has a kOS defence system that detects enemy missiles and automatically dispenses flares when they reach a certain range.

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70 bombs is quite a lot :) I was planning to cruise over in something a bit smaller, It can just about take the maximum fighter load-out internally and has a kOS defence system that detects enemy missiles and automatically dispenses flares when they reach a certain range.


Where did you get that cargobay? It looks like a B9 bay but all of those open from the top and it fits the lightning cockpit so it is the older mk2 fuselage setup.

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