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How to edit/replace parts in-game?

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As part of my Eve colony, I've landed a secondary gas station around 10km from the main base area. Nearby is this pile of random debris from the booster that brought it there:


Now, it's much too big to drag back to base, but I figure the colonists brought some tools with them... With the base being pretty far from here, I thought it might be useful if I could repurpose some of this junk into a little hut or something for the pilot to shelter in overnight etc. What's the best way to go about this? The simplest way would appear to be to find and replace the fuel tank with a hitchhiker cabin in the save file (as they're about the same size.) Is it as simple as that?

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Yes, you might be able to get away with that. You'll want to make sure you're editing the correct fuel tank, which you can likely do by searching for the name of the debris. Once you find the VESSEL {} structure, you'll need to find the part that corresponds to the fuel tank. It'll look like this:

name = fuelTank2-2
cid = 4294687978
uid = 887883351
mid = 3333438185

Replace the "fuelTank2-2" with "crewCabin". They ought to be close enough in size that hopefully the height above terrain won't be much of a factor. Some of the attached pieces might look a little funny though.



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