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Need help with completing contract, tempeature scans on kerbin

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This is the gist of it. I'm doing Career mode, I got a contract to "Perform Temperature Scans of Kerbin". It marked out the spot "Measure Temperature in flight below 18,000 meters near Site C4-L".

So I built a plane, flew it there. It even said "Entering Site C4-L", I right clicked the thermometer and hit "Log Temperature" and.... nothing. I tried turning the display on and doing it again, nothing.

So I tried the other spots, also nothing. Nothing happens when I log temperature even though it tells me I'm entering the zone.

I've seen this happen quite a lot of times actually. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if this is a common bug, but I haven't found anyone else having this problem when I'm googling it. So, what do?

I am using Interstellar and Deadly Reentry. But I did also encounter this prior to installing any mods.

Edited by Mastikator
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1. Make sure your altitude is right. The zones are mapped in 2D, not 3D. You could be in 'zone' but above or below the altitude required for the contract.

2. Do you get the standard Science screen that pops up when you log temperature? You know, the one that has a short narrative of the science and two green and blue bars for recovery and transmission? If you're clicking "Log Temperature" and you don't get the Science screen, that's a separate issue (and probably a bug).

On the other hand, if you get the Science screen but no "Collecting temperature data for zone XXXX" pop-up message in white text, make sure your altitude is right (#1). If your altitude is right and you're in the zone and you get a science message but no contract completion, then it's probably a bug. Restart KSP and try again.

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1. It says "below 18km" and I've tried on multiple occasions on multiple altitudes, but none above 18k. All in which the thermometer-icon was blinking.

2. Yes, I got the science screen.

Actually now that I'm looking closely it says "Temperature Scans From LauchPad" even though I'm 4km in the air on the other side of the planet. I think that might be the bug.

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