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2 problems

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Ok, just as a disclosure these problems started occurring after adding some mods. All of which were to enhance graphics but not gameplay, so no extra parts of any kind or MechJeb, ect. When I could not fix the problems by removing the mods' game data files I literally deleted everything, after making copies of my save/craft files I re-installed the game from Steam. Upon installation of the game, I never even got around to placing the old saves and craft files in the program folder. When I entered the game for the "first" time I was ready to just start a new career, but there was my old profile like I had never moved it.

1: Symmetry mode in the VAB no longer functions with the main part of the craft as the point of symmetry. So for example, adding 3 fuel tanks to the body of the craft will work fine. Lets say I want landing legs on these 3 tanks now in order to make a stable lander. Well, instead of adding the legs to the 3 corresponding fuel tanks, I now have 3 legs on one of them. This may be an easy fix, or a button/hotkey that I hit while being unaware of it's function (it's not angle-snap). Also, the root part for the craft is the command pod, nothing changed there.

2: I'm seeing double!! Ok, so basically there is a duplicate of 90% of the parts in the game now. In career mode I have the icon to unlock whatever science desired and within that there will be 2 command pods (or whatever). Strange thing here, is that some parts do not duplicate the name's themselves. Such as the "Clamp-O-Tron Jr." & the "Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr." which both would cost 7,800 credits in order to use. This also occurs in the assembly buildings which contain "greyed" out images of their duplicates that have not been purchased for use yet.

Now my first thought was that I somehow used my old .25 data I had saved for a backup and added to the parts file...but wait...what about my re-install?! Not to mention, there are some .25 parts that do not have duplicates listed. As if this second problem wasn't already annoying enough, I have also discovered that every single one of my planes now says "Contains locked or invalid parts". Keep in mind from my signature that I have just started career mode again and don't exactly have a lot of parts to work with here. So I just bit the bullet and bought some of these duplicate parts to get my planes back in the air. But wait! Not only did that not work, but I have control surfaces placed in areas I never attached them to. BAH!! If any of this seems unclear in my ranting I will upload screenshots. Suggestions here would be great, thanks!

Edited by Steelsunoa
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For 1. try pressing 'f'. This should swap between 'Symmetry Relative to Vessel' and 'Symmetry Relative to Parent Part.

For 2. have a look at the folders and files in the SQUAD subfolder of the GameData folder. You may see duplicates there, in which case deleting one set should fix it.

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Thanks, I knew that there must be a hotkey for my symmetry problem.

I think I can fix this now. Strange thing is, the file name's are not duplicates. Each file is unique, I can only tell which is which by the "date modified" in the folder. So I have "spotlight1" "spotlight2" "spotlightMk1" & "spotlightMk2"...so apparently Squad slightly changed the names on most of it's parts. This would explain why only 90% of parts have duplicates, the name was probably never changed and the install only replaced the new ones with identical names.

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