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Crew Swap?

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Ok, strange question time. Is there any way to swap a crew in flight? For example, I did an orbital rendezvous with a spacestation I put in orbit, then came back home. If crews had swapped (so the space station crew took the ride home while the other stayed) is there any way to reflect this by editing the persistent or save file?

I tried swapping ToD and State with both crews, saved the file, restarted the game, and they were back in their original positions. Are crew 'tied' to the vehicle they launched in? I didn\'t see anywhere else in the persistent file where it referenced (by vessel for instance) which crew were aboard it.

Anyone know? I realize most people probably don\'t care, but if anyone knows I\'d appreciate it, thanks! :)

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There are a couple ways to do this. The way with the least editing of the file is to find the vessel that you want to port the crew from in the persistence.sfs file, find the capsule part within that vessel, and note the 'crew =' numbers in that capsule.

Then find the vessel you want to port the crew to, find the capsule part within that vessel, and change those 'crew = ' numbers accordingly.

As of right now, I don\'t think there are issues with having the same crew in multiple vessels. Could be wrong on that, and that could change in the future.

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