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MUNSHOT 0.25 - Return To The Mun


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Just started playing (AGAIN) recently, and already kicked it off with a "simple" mission to the Mun.

Except this time, I've done it in a configuration I've never done before. It's been a while...

THE PLAN: An Apollo-style mun mission broken in parts.

-Lander getting launched first up, dry (no fuel).

-Fuel tanker next, docking to top the lander up.

-Crew launched last, which will also serve as the command module.

*So why did I've split it in separate parts? Simple: To prevent burdening my newly refurbished PC.

THE MISSION: Land on the Mun, plant a flag, do some science, beam some data, then go back to Kerbin.

-Mission successful, even though there was a minor screwup during the RTK burn.

(main engine ran out of fuel and had to use the RCS engines from the ascent module to complete the burn)

THE LOGS: Videos! x-post with Live from Mission Control.

-Total footage time: more than 1hr & 30mins. Edited and ffw'd to a total of ~10 minutes long video.

-Divided into three parts.


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