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Setting for Direction of elevators! (And other like surfaces)

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The game needs a way to set the elevators, and other like parts, orientation after placement. I end up making wings and placing the elevators in the way that makes sense, or sometimes just happen to flip them upside down while placing them. This leads to elevators going in the opposite direction. This is a pain to fix if you have to move a lot of parts and impossible with some elevators as they cannot be placed in certain ways and not be the opposite of every other elevator on the ship(they can not be reversed). So what about a setting or some means to orient them all how you want in the ship making facilities and something showing which way they go. I think having some flaps facing down while others facing up is causing a lot of problems on takeoff. And there is no way to fix this without making the plane look weird or moving a lot of parts I don't want to. And going back and forth(especially with large part counts) from the VAB to the runway is very tedious and annoying.

Or is this already planned. I don't recall seeing this sort of thing mentioned anywhere.

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If I recall, the actual direction of the control surfaces does not matter because the animation is completely aesthetic. This is probably going to change in the next update with improved aerodynamics, but right now with the primitive aerodynamics the direction does not matter, they just produce small amounts of thrust in whatever direction that corresponds to your input.

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