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Is it worth moving from a Ipad Air 2 to a Andriod Tablet?


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I am looking for a good Android tablet mobile gaming and multimedia tablet with a console like controller to fly a Parrot Bebop quadcopter and to play games on the tablet. .http://www.parrot.com/usa/products/bebop-drone/

I saw this tablet the Nvida Shield tablet


Is this a better tablet then the Ipad Air 2?

I am having problems with my Ipad Air 2 when connecting to any of the computers near me even laptops and I plug it in to the computer and the charge bar turns green with a lighting bolt for a few seconds and It turns back to a white charging bar with it saying not charging and every thing is still connected.It works fine on a wall charger but not the computers.Why is that?

Do Android tablets have that problem or is it just a Apple problem?I tried this with other Ipad Air 2s with other cords laying around and nothing seems to work it works fine on a wall charger and I even tried that Asus AI Charger fix and that did not do any thing,

Edited by Cloakedwand72
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